[Map] eIndia [Day 529][08:18]

Day 529, 08:22 Published in India India by Nishchay TM

This is map of India Showing the eRepublik States. However the States are captured by different countries like Indonesia, Romania, Iran, Pakistan. India holds the two states Orissa and Tamilnadu.

The Map shows the states with their neighboring states with whom they share a border. The RED borders are actual border BUT they are not in game borders. Means borders shown as RED indicates that the two sharing states are not neighbors of each other.
Green Borders are the borders which tells direct contact between two states. Means they shares a border.

There are some mismatch in the game, as Jammu and Kashmir granted owner as Pakistan.
But we, Indians claim that states ours hence it is also shown there.

The sea borders of various states are RED, because the states does not have shared sea borders. Tamilnadu is exception. Tamil Nadu shares a border with Southern Thailand.

Arrows point towards the states belonging to other nations...which are neighboring states of domicile states.

The map is not upto the scale and borders are made according to the comfort of game, eRepublik. There are active battles allover eAsia. So map controls changes day by day.

So I will publish MY OFFICIAL eINDIAN MAP as states changes.
Here it is...

Thank You.

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