"Lose Our Bonus" Policy: AFA Loss, or Ours?

Day 1,833, 08:50 Published in USA Republic of China (Taiwan) by Cicero Alvez

For short, it's OUR LOSS! The Elites, our Council of Elders, the very people who initiate and stubbornly maintain this profoundly moronic policy wouldn't admit that, but it's us, America, who were at loss.

About three months ago, before I was even born, President Civil Anarchy wrote this article, kicking-off a self-sabotaging policy that have caused us prolonged economic hardship. The intention behind this "lose our bonus" policy (hereinafter shall refer to as "LOB-policy"), however, were a noble one. They were supposedly design to drive Ajay and all other PTOers away. They were supposedly design so we--the historically loyal e-American--can take our country back. The only bad news is: THEY'RE NOT WORKING!

No pun intended, my friend Civil Anarchy.

Let's take a look at the fact, shall we? There were three congressional election since this (what in the hindsight could only be describe as) profoundly moronic policy. On the first post-LOB-policy congressional election, despite everyone's best effort, AFA comfortably won 873 votes. The other T4 party on the other hand, won 2413 votes.

So what's the problem Cicero? We're still outnumbering them three to one! Wait, my friend, form this point onwards, it'll only get worse!

On October congressional election, AFA won 867 votes, down SIX VOTES from the previous election. Then, our collectively delusional Council of Elders were hastily proclaim "VICTORYYYYYY!"

Delusional, much?

What apparently escaped them is the fact that on those very Congressional election, our loyal, truly American T4 party only won 1938 votes, which, while remain numerically ahead of AFA, actually FOUR freaking HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE LESS votes than the previous election. Yet, the Elites still claim victory. (Publicity stunt, aren't we?)

And finally, yesterday our T4 party once again battling AFA for votes in the congressional election. The aforementioned PTO party secured 890 votes (up 23 votes from previous election), while our T4 party won 1807 votes (DOWN 131 votes from previous election).

So, for the "beloved" members of our Council of Elders, please allow me, a lowly noobs, one of the huddled masses, ask you this following question:


And for the love of Dio, please don't throw in the answer along this line:

Good job destroying our country!

On the last note:

I only take congressional election figure because I believe that's where the true battle-ground are. These are the people who pass the bill, after all. Bills, like donation, MPP and NE Proposal. Of course, Party President election and CP election are also important, but please remember that AFA swing some votes in October CP election by deception (American Miiitary Party, everyone?), a feat that they didn't repeat on November CP election. So, that figure couldn't be valid.

And, special note to Civil Anarchy: I know the thing that happens before I was born because I have the ability to READ WRITTEN WORDS. That's how I know you're the one who initiate "lose our bonuses" policy (which is why, I guess, you're being so defensive about it), and that's how anyone alive today know anything about World War I (RL version, that is).