[Karrde] For Scotland!

Day 1,218, 16:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Talon Karrde
[Talon] Political Power in Political Parties

My Friends,

If political power is what you seek, then by reading this article you have achieved your goal. For some of us in this game, politics is our very lifeblood; the reason we continue to log in and spend so much time on eRepublik. For others it really isn’t and I respect that. The game is a broad church and all preferences and styles of play should be accepted and even encouraged. But I am deadly serious, if political power is what you crave then you have just found the very way to access it.

As the premise for an article you may think it an odd one. Why, out of the myriad ways to open an article, would I choose to offer you power? Put simply, my motivation here is as an advert for my political party and politics as a whole. I make no apologies for that, because I honestly think that politics make this game much more enjoyable and if it’s the same for you, then this article is well worth reading. Some readers might well be turned off at this point and want to say so in the comments; that’s fine! To me, so long as you don’t resort to baseless slander, that’s just participation in the political process and should be encouraged.

For those of you with an open min😛 young and old; new and experienced, this article will explain to you how to achieve political power and success, the secret to being elected president, and will provide one option for you personally going forward. If you are impacted at all by what you read and what to know more or get involved, then get in contact- the sky is the limit here.

Aha! Power!

I don’t want to pretend that my view isn’t subjective, or to pass off this article as something noble and statesmanlike, with a higher cause and higher purpose. I openly admit that I have an agenda here, to find like-minded individuals and convince them to join The Unity Party. The banner above proudly displays our slogan; ‘Strength through Unity.’ That slogan has at once been a great message of our core ideals and a destination to strive towards, but I sometimes think that by distilling our thoughts and policies down to their most fundamental form we take something away from them. Because of that, while we can point to areas that TUP generally stands for, the specifics aren’t well addressed.

This is where our first secret to power comes in: You can make an immediate impact to your party.

Every party is always looking for new members. And those that display any sort of talent or effort are immediately praised and given positions. All parties will run these players high up the list for congress, guaranteeing them a place under the election rules. TUP has taken this one step further. For the last three months we have given leadership of our party over into the hands of newer members. This hasn’t quite panned out as well as we’d hoped, as I’m sure the Equalist and Bohemond would admit, but it has given both some valuable experience and I don’t doubt has enriched the party. This month our vice party president is Skibbler, who again has showed talent and effort on behalf of the party and so has been freely given a position of authority. What he decides to do with his position will decide what his next step will be, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see him placed top of the list for congress, and to push on and become PP next month or at some point in the future.

These cases are not exceptions to the rule, but the rule itself. In TUP, if you show talent and then put effort in, you are rewarded. Each of these players has amassed an amount of political power quite easily, and each now has a platform to push further on. If any of them have a policy idea or scheme they’d like to introduce, I don’t doubt the party would immediately back them. In TUP good policy is always accepted; if it’s sensible, if it meets a need or solves a problem, then we will happily put the effort in to see it done. All it takes is the spark, the idea, and the rest falls into place.

Come on, join in! Ambition need not be a secret.

This brings us nicely to the Second secret to political success: Getting the politics right.

Politics is all about numbers. A certain proportion of people will feel X way about an issue; a certain number is in each political party, and so on. To be successful in achieving political power you have to look at the numbers. This is why I’m reaching out to those of you interested in politics: Not all political parties are even politics focussed. Some would be better characterised as military parties, where I would say the focus is on war, their military units, and supplies. They may disagree with me, but I’d say that 1V, ESO and NE all do this in their own way, to varying degrees. While some of you would point out that even TUP have our own military unit, it is certainly safe to say that this is not even close to our focus (both in policy and in the amount of time spent on it)… Politics is.

TUP is certainly a party of politicians. While we have expertise in all areas of the game, politics and how to win has undoubtedly proven to be our speciality. Over the last two years our candidates have regularly won the Presidential elections, and even when they haven’t or we’ve supported somebody else, the vast majority of our policies have been implemented anyway. The last three months under UKPP presidents have very much seen a continuation of my own policies from my terms as president last year, much to my delight. This brings us to an important point: Politics isn’t just about positions, it’s about influence. No other party has as many influential individuals, and no other party is as good at helping newer members progress to the same level.

We understand politics, numbers and influence intimately and no other party can boast the same expertise.

So then, thus far we have two secrets to success: Knowing your own worth to parties and understanding that you can make an immediate impact, and getting the politics, numbers and influence right.

So far there’s nothing there that anyone can’t pick up through joining TUP. But, it would be ridiculous to say that joining would give you all of that and breed success on its own. The final secret of success in politics is all down to you as an individual: Work ruddy hard!

Get the politics right- a certain amount of charm can help too!

TUP is the party that it is today because of the hard work of individuals. We’ve had so many country presidents because of the hard work of individuals. And your future? You can do the same and follow in those footsteps because of hard work.

I’ll give you an example of when hard work won somebody a CP election. In September 2012, we elected Magic Hereos to the presidency. Say what you will about that month (and I think it was pretty decent) but the secret to his election was a PM campaign masterminded by myself, and enacted by him. How did he win?

He first made a difference in the party: He made some image banners and a handy website to track the economy. That got him noticed by the party and got people onside… It gave him some influence to work with.

He got the politics right. He talked to other parties well, he got some great policy behind him, and he appointed me to direct his election campaign. Having the right people behind you can be really important!

He put in the effort. He messaged every single person in the country. Not once. Not twice. Not even three times. He messaged every single person four times, detailing exactly what he stood for, showing exactly why he was the right man for the job, and really importantly, becoming a recognised name.

This is the secret to being elected as president: Being famous. In an election between someone famous and someone more obscure, the famous person wins every time. The way the other person needs to compete is effort: Most people didn’t know MH before the election, but by voting day, he was the more famous candidate by a fair way.

To summarise, then; the secret to gaining political power is this:

1. You are of great worth to a party. Involve yourself and make a difference to build influence.
2. Get the politics right. Look at where the influence lies, look at the numbers, and use it to your advantage.
3. Effort. You will not get anywhere without putting the time in. If you do, your reach is limitless.
4. Be Famous. Name recognition counts for so much in eRepublik. If CP is your eventual goal, do all you can to become a household name.

Easy? Not at all, but with the right help it’s absolutely achievable. And here is my offer:

Join TUP, and I will do my very best to help you achieve greatness, political power, and success in eRepublik.

Show some talent and some effort, and there will be nothing to stop you from achieving all that you could hope or dream. TUP provides an exceptional political platform that you can take advantage of. If you aren’t sure or need convincing then please do give me a PM or comment below.

Strength Through Unity!

Talon Karrde
TUP Spokesman

Looking forward to the comments below. You can't blame an old scamp like me for trying!