[July 4th] United We Stand, eAmerica

Day 1,322, 02:30 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors


Over a week ago, I called for all eAmericans to Come Together, put aside our differences, and defend the eUSA as one group... United. I called for all of the political squabbling and butthurt feelings to be put aside so that we could continue to exist as a nation. A few days ago, the eUSA was fully wiped.

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Gnilraps, Bradley Reala, and even Animis all have great articles talking about the need to united. Gnilraps said in [1320]Editorials;

But eUSA getting wiped was good for the Political Culture of this Nation. Our Military did not get us wiped, our Politics did. Our Military is Gaddamn Awesome and forestalled this inevitable far longer than I expected was possible.

But our Politics needed to die a quick and merciful death. I think the entire Old Guard of eAmerican polifags is Worn Out - not as interested anymore. This is hardly a criticism, it is an explanation of why we got wiped.

Truth. That is the plain truth. It was not our military, not the USAF, not the JCS military, not ST6, EZ Company, Bad Company, or the Bear Militia... it was politics.

Look at what was going on. We were getting our asses handed to us, our allies were already wiped out, and what were eAmericans busy doing? Watching the drama unfold after Stanley Ibcus went all crazy on the people who were dumb enough to elect him as their party president. We were busy watching the drama between Pfeiffer and Princefigs. We were NOT busy watching the battlefields as our nation crumbled around us.

Bradley Reala in Where We Stand Today said;

July 1st, 2011 should be remembered as the eUSA’s independence day, just three days earlier than our real life counter-part’s birthday. July 1st was the day that we suffered a crushing blow, that we felt a fatal stab, and yet we STILL lunged forward and fought with all our might.

More truth.

The time has come to Come Together as one nation. July 1st showed us that we aren't the indestructible force we thought we were. We now know that we need to unite with our allies and learn to fight together... united... against ONE. As Animis said in Unity=Victory;

We need to also be UNITED with our allies and they with each other...

So let's get this done, let's get this election behind us so we can stand UNITED as we march forward and take our nation back from the swine swilling machines.

Truth. And as such, the Socialist Freedom Party would like to make its official endorsement...

That's right... no one. I do ask that you check out each candidate and their articles and make the informed decision. In my opinion, there are many qualified to be elected on July 5th, and I applaud each and every person who has stepped up to head the call to action. Now you need to step up, let's get someone elected and stand behind them. Let's rebuild our crumbled nation and make it better than before. Let's put aside petty political differences and do what is right for our great country!

United We Stand, eAmerica! Let Freedom Ring!

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