Day 1,830, 07:07 Published in India India by Wild Quark

Read the above statement out loud.

Yes the future is bright because YOU are in it!

Each one of you eIndians is an integral part of success or failure because we are the eIndia. Nothing else… So you tell me how you will contribute?

"The future depends on what we do in the present."
- Gandhi

I can tell you how great we all are but I am not going to. Instead I shall be offering some suggestions and write down my observations, some generic and others specific in order to make the future bright by trying to shed some light on a few dark corners.

Some of these might sound blatantly obvious but we aren’t doing it all. So STFU and read on : P
1. Play the damn game!

This isn’t a one-man game. The format of the game doesn’t allow you to hide in your ivory tower. If you are hiding, then you aren’t playing the game right. It is as simple as that. Focus on the end goal. Help your country win.

Hence Participate:

Since you already have made the choice of joining the game, play it. Don’t make half hearted attempts at anything. I am not asking you to spend all your time here. Use your time effectively. You will see that when your plans come to fruition, you will begin to truly enjoy the game. Take charge. Take power. Control the game. Play like a real player.

2. Teach:

If you are trying to keep secrets about your methods and are trying to be manipulative, the joke is on you. To secure your position, you need an army. And a bloody strong one at that! The most important way you can probably contribute to your nation is by setting right a newbie’s direction. The real leaders are the ones who inspire others to be leaders. Your mentees will be thankful to you, remember how much you helped them and will do the same in future to other people.

Inspire leadership.

I have great respect for my mentors who have taught me a lot of things. Thank you NavinCharles, Rebelash, Abhinay, Shockwavve, Xordin, Prem Kumar, Nikhil Jaiswal (one of my very first mentors ). And also many others who have helped me learn the game.

3. Initiative

The very fact that I am writing this article suggests how effective is an initiative taken in the right direction.

I urge each one of you to take initiative of some sort and follow it through. Addy, Alector, Don Moghul , Rebelash good job for starting up new things like contests and financial schemes. Newbies take initiative too. Don’t hesitate. Just dive right in!

4. Think!

The funny thing about thinking is that it doesn’t take much time and yet feels like you have spent a lot of time thinking. Begin with the following attitude:

There is always a better way to do something.”

After you have taken action to start a plan, the next step is to refine your plans. Organize and strategize.

5. Communication:

Granted that you are a mastermind and can devise nifty plans with lightning speed; but you have to communicate with others and let them utilize your resourcefulness for it to be effective. Always try to take the first step to extend your hand and reach out to others, pretty please!

6. Be open to criticism:

If somebody is giving you constructive criticism, he is your friend. False praises are spoken from a serpent’s tongue.

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.”
Benjamin Franklin

Sometimes trolling is ok as we are all here to have some fun. But don’t over do it. Be considerate towards others’ feelings. And the ones that take offense to silly banter grow a thicker skin lol as this is the internet.
7. Be flexible:

If someone else has a better suggestion than you do, change your position and lobby for the better solution. This is how you earn respect. Disagreements are natural; don’t let pride orchestrate a failure.

Give credit to the ones who deserve it. This would encourage good-will and camaraderie. Objectivity is often a safer route for better team dynamics. Sometimes the other person might offer a radical solution which might sound preposterous on the surface. Open your mind to think outside the box. Change is probably better than stagnation.

Let’s begin by cleaning up our infrastructure.

I propose that if you have a plan or new idea, write an article about it. It so happens that people seldom hear each other out completely before they argue. An article would be a great intro to what you have in your mind. Then you can follow it up on the IRC, forum or on Skype for further discussions. Please encourage healthy discussions. Don’t patronize other people. Two heads are better than one : P Teamwork ftw!

Constructive criticism is always welcome. Complain if you want to and also suggest solutions. Ask others to come up with solutions. Let’s all brainstorm together and help resolve any problems we might face and put it to rest.


Each one of us has our own idiosyncrasies and birds of the same feather often flock together. Try making a small group and guide each other. This suggestion is especially for the newbies. If you want help with such an arrangement, do contact me on PM.

For queries relating to weapon, finance and food dispatch, I suggest you contact Xordin and Rebelash. They are nice people and don’t bite. Even if Xordin does bite, he is inoculated with anti-rabies shots. So you have nothing to worry : P
Baby Boom

"You never know how many apples there are in a seed!"

Sam (Uv ajeD) is really determined to get a Baby Boom and we need all of you to help him achieve his mad resolve lol. Also earn real money by getting into affiliate marketing. If you want to participate, contact Uv ajed. (yeah the one who laughs like a witch : P mehehehehe)
UAgg MU:

I personally think the MU is a brilliant addition to our eNation and can be a great asset if they truly integrate. We need your advice in various things because you are all shrewd and accomplished players and we can benefit a lot from your experiences. Please do let me know how we can bridge the communication gap between us. You are all eIndians now as much as we are and in future I would address you all as one of us.

I had the pleasure of interacting with Olivermellors, Treian, ChamarajNagar, Captain Kushskiller (yeah u suck at math lol jk jk, well not really : P) during my DQ sessions and you guys seem very sociable. I also request Alias Vision, my F1 teammate (we are going to kick some major butt in Don’s competitions) to talk to your team and set up a rendezvous so we could discuss important and non important issues.

Also a big shout- out to Addy for his brilliant contribution to the media. You are doing a great job and keep it up! (Now give me the prize : P)
Why we shall prevail?

We have brilliant people who are very intelligent, creative, witty and friendly. We just have to get to know each other, bond together and learn to work together. Respect each other. We are all part of the same thing. Undermining your teammate is like axing your own leg.

The future of eIndia is bright because it rests on such able shoulders. We shall carry our nation forward to make it one of the most powerful forces in erepublik. People who snicker at this just lack ambition. So laugh at yourself wimps XD

We should make ourselves independent and walk forward with renewed strength and refined vision. It’s easy. Just takes one step at a time and gradually each step would propel us leaps and bounds into the future. This applies to your real life too. I personally hate mediocrity. You have one life. Live it! Work for it!

In the meanwhile, here is how you can contact me :

1. Send me a PM
2. Add me on Skype : icefilly
(We have many members of eIndia talk or chat on skype. BTW Anuj Jain is going to sing on skype : P )
3. Talk to me on IRC
4. Write an article. And send me a link.

I know you want to read more, but until next time you will have to hold your horses 😛
Write down your comments on what you felt about the things I’ve written. I would greatly appreciate it.

Let’s join hands and walk together TO SUCCESS! Cheers!

yours retardedly (there I said it : P) ,

Wild Quark [Nikki]
PS : Newbies please introduce yourself. Send me a PM with the word INTRODUCTION as the subject line and I shall publish it in the next article. It can be just a line or more telling us who you are or who you are not.

I know there is a forum to do all this, but send me the PM anyway. I love messages.
I am in dire need of volunteers to whom I can delegate some tasks. Please please please participate 🙂

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