[Irule4PP] WTP, Let's go!

Day 2,056, 15:46 Published in USA USA by irule777

Greetings to the members of We The People! My name's Irule777 and I'm announcing today my intent to run for Party President in the WTP PP Primaries!

We The People has been my home for a little while now and I've very much loved it here. The community is wonderful, the people are nice, and the party is energetic! I enjoy working with this party everyday, helping out Hale when necessary, sending our recruitment messages and coming on to our IRC Channel (which you all should totally do) in #WTP. I'm We The People's Political Director (or, PAC Director) and I'm also a WTP Congressman, as well as the Secretary of the Interior for Paul Proteus.

What I plan to do if elected

This party currently has about 400 members with slight variations day to day. We have many of them active, involved and ready to help out. Hale has put together a recruiting and media team and it's time we really started using them like crazy.

For media, I'll be organizing those volunteers to not only write articles about the parties events, players, staff and of course, events, but also promote other WTP members articles as well. I think a party paper coming from the PP is also an essential addition. While hale does write articles from time to time, I plan to do more with publication and publicizing this party so every can know how awesome we are.

For recruitment, I plan to organize the staff so we can be sending out messages to new players all the time. We'll work together on being sure we have a very well organized recruitment message with good links, ideas and reasons to join, and be sure to get involved with every new player that joins this party.

I plan to continue to keep this parties community active and enjoyable as well by continuing to use my IRC activity to incite conversation and as well have more forum debates as Hale, our current PP, has started. This party has a great community and it's important we bring new players into that and keep them going so our community can continue to strive month after month.

Hale26 has been in office a while now and has been worked very hard. I appreciation his wonderful service, but also believe that perhaps it's time for someone new to step up in the coming month.

I hope you'll vote Irule777 for PP in the WTP Primaries!

(Accepting party cabinet applications)