Day 1,266, 09:32 Published in China China by peanut man

[原文Source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/international-subscription-trading-eng--1751712/1/20]
[轉自quote: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-international-subscription-trading-1768738/1/20]

INTERNATIONAL SUBSCRIPTION TRADING by Vivaldi666 [source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/international-subscription-trading-eng--1751712/1/20]

I wanna say hello to all sub lovers. Any luck? Tired already?

Is it...?

Ok, ok I know... . You are all sick of ordinary MM projects. They are full of lazy people doing nothing and expecting to get everything. That is not how things should work! I've participated in such an event not long ago. Subscribed 650+ newspapers receiving about 30 subs in return. Not satisfing? Hell yeah!!

I've tried to help myself a little and used conventional MM lists for a purpose of sub trading. Direct approach (by private massage) may seem like a lot of hard work ( it is a lot of hard work) but it sure is worth trying.

The aim of this article is to create a temporary or even permament common platform for newspaper publishers.International community deserves an oportunity to interact, meet each other, compare newspapers, bulid shout networks and ofcourse exchange subscriptions.

I want all to benefit from this opportunity. My method of direct approach proved efficient - I received almost 1000 subscriptions, met hundreads of outstanding individuals and learned a lot how to manage a newspapers (love you all 😘)


1) Trade your subs with other project participants. You will find them commenting this particular article. If you just subscribe and let it go someone will plainly take an advantage of you. Contact those publishers and cooperate - no third parties will benefit from this. Use private messages to ensure that every favour is returned. Placing subscription number is crucial in building trust among exchanging parties. Make sure you include it in your PM.

2) Make a comment under this article with a link to your newspaper . I long to trade with you and I guarantee that others will feel the same.

3) Shout this article, shout it loud, bring your friends/children/dog. We need as many participants as possible.

4) Be restless. Media Mogul Medal is one of most prestigious and difficult achivements but with a little effort it can be acquired.

5) Make a friend request towards me. I will inform you whether or not new mogul project is at hand. I'll shout it or pm you personally if this will be necessary.

很久沒有在eRep發文了,為了掙回一點點存在感,最近參加了一個國際報章互訂計劃,希望衝一下媒體(Media Mogul)章。在兩天的努力後,成功的增加了差不多250個訂閱!



1. 在原文的回應中,已經有超過300人留下了他們的報紙連結,你只要訂閱他們的報紙然後PM他們,告訴你的訂閱數並請對方也訂閱你的報紙。我在兩天內送了大概300個PM,在幾天後收回了約250個訂閱,回應率算是不錯。

2. 在原文及本文的回應留下你的報紙連結,以便其他人可以訂閱及PM你。這個計劃的精神是公平地互助互惠,當你有努力PM其他作者時,其他參加者也會PM你作為回報。

3. 請廣傳這一份報紙,越多人知/參與越好

4. 請記住:一分耕耘,一分收鑊,你PM的人越多,得到訂閱的機會就越大,媒體章可不是這樣容易得到的。

5. 請加我或者Vivaldi666為好友,在下一次的計劃推廣時,我們會以PM通知你。