[IMPORTANT] TOs around the world [LIVE] II

Day 491, 04:32 Published in Romania Romania by sebahmah

- Norway loses 26-14 right now.
- Canada,Czech Rep,Chile are rather safe
- Moldova and Ukraine won by romanians and hungarians
- Bosnia is close to being plundered
- China is taken over by goons for strategic purposes
- Pakistan is close

TOs around the world live update here:

Live TOs

Updates once in 2 hours.

We will add other countries with problems like chile, slovakia, mexico as soon as we get more information.

If you want to join the anti-TO coalition and put your vote to good use, please send me a PM.
It doesn't matter what country you represent, join our romanian team in our quest to stop TOs.

Vote this up! But don't vote for congress!!! Not yet.