"Ich bin ein Berliner"

Day 545, 16:53 Published in Germany USA by Jamarcus
Ich Bin Ein Berliner
For all free people of the world.

I am proud to come to this great city as a guest in the German Republic, who symbolizes the struggle of freedom around the globe. And I am proud to visit the nation as a guest of your distinguished President who for so many months has committed Germany to Democracy and Freedom and Progress. And to my fellow Americans who have been in this country during it's times of crisis and will come again to it's aid if ever needed.

A few days ago the proudest boast was "I am Romanian" or "I am Indonesian". Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is "Ich bin ein Berliner".

There are many people in the world who do not understand or say they don't, what is the great issue between the free world of ATLANTIS and the oppressed world of PEACE. Let them come to Berlin! There are some who say PEACE is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin! There are some who say we can work with imperialist empires as in Australia and Israel. Let them come to Berlin! There are some who say appeasment is the way to prevent civil war between allies. Let them come to Berlin! And there are even those who say imperialism is an evil system, but it permits us to make political and economic progress. Lass' sie nach Berlin kommen. Let them come to Berlin!

I want to say on behalf of my countrymen, who live many miles away across the Atlantic, who are far distant from you, that they take great pride in sharing even if from a distance, the German struggle for freedom, liberty, and equality. Our president has chosen to stand on the sidelines in the epic war for Germany. America has indeed failed to lead. America has let empires such as Romania and Sweden take the lead on international issues, and look how paralyzed by war and oppression the world is today. My fellow Americans will hopefully agree when I say now is the time for the USA to take it's rightfull place at the leader of the free world. America, our time has come and we must seize it before it passes into the pages of history. Before the day this conflict becomes history let it be written that America lead the Armies of the free world in the battle for Germany. Without it's "allies" Germany will soon fall. Neutrality is no longer an option for the forces of freedom. Freedom is indevisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free.

Sweden's declaration of war is clear violation of the ATLANTIS treaty. America and the UK have been punished and have paid for their violations. So I ask, why not Sweden? We speak of loyalty but we do not practice it. We speak of unity, but we do not unite. We speak of trust, but we decieve our own friends. We say we are an alliance, but we defend no one. Hypocracy runs rampant in the alliances. We would sooner back a war criminal over the loyal trustworty ally who looks to it's "friends" and "allies" to come to it's defence. An ally who refused to be a slave to the empires of PEACE and joined the free nations of ATLANTIS. A nation that suffered severly for their reach for the torch of Liberty, as the armies of PEACE besieged the German walls and nearly brought them to the ground. Germany was only saved by the allied forces of ATLANTIS as together, with their German allies, pushed the last invading tank from a free Germany. A new, free Germany was born that day.

I evy you my German cousins. For all the oppression and injustice you have suffered through, you still stand proud and strong. I know of no people, no nation besides Israel that has been besieged by misfortune for so long, yet still lives with the same vitality, the same force, the hope, and the determination as the German people. I ask you not to let the idea of defeat enter your mind for one minute. Sweden has every advantage they could hope for and a weak German moral will seal defeat. The one advatage the Germans have in this war is they fight not for territory or resources or gold. They fight for their homeland. They fight for a future. They fight for freedom. They fight for justice. What the German people need is Hope. Hope for a better tomorrow. Hope that oneday they will have their chance to be their own nation. Hope that when the smoke clears and the dust settles, when the sun rises on the next day, they will lay their eyes upon a newer, stronger, and most of all, free Germany. As I close I will leave you with a quote frome the man that inspired this speech and me everyday.

"All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner."
President John F. Kennedy - June 26, 1963

Thank you for having me Germany. I'm sure you've heard enough of me. It's time I return to the USA and fight for my place in Congress in Massachusetts. Until we meet again on the battlefield.
