[Ian John Locke IV and The Prometheus Press on Behalf of the DoE]

Day 418, 15:30 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV
So I am unsure how many know but PrincessMedyPi has brought back the Department of Education (DoE) and has appointed Tiacha superintendent. (Great work Medy and great choice for superintendent!)

Medy appointed me to this Department and I have both proudly and humbly accepted the appointment. A mission of the DoE is to educate both young and old players about issues that can sometimes be confusing...

What spurred this article
Today I was having a very interesting discussion with Donovanator (see here for conversation... towards the bottom) about young players working for Q1 companies only.

I do not completely agree with Donovanator as an owner of a Q2 company and seeing some of my best workers turn out to be young players, but that special interest aside, this is meant to be in the interest of all, not just myself (damn).

Where to work, When, and How to tell

Well I'm not going to lie, the Human Resources page can be very very easy to get caught up in. You see all these great salaries and you go for the best one you can find that fits your skill level. This is not the best way to find a good job that will not only benefit your savings, but your wellness as well.

There are many resources out there that are just not well known. For one, a good friend of mine, Zagarius updates this spreadsheet (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pAPUIsntdJLRFLmG7QcpHAg) DAILY. This is a good way to decide where you may or may not want to work.

But if you didn't have this spreadsheet on hand, here are some simple instructions:

After you've gone to the HR page and selected your area and skill level (let's say for the sake of this demonstration, you selected land 4-4.99) scope out the best salaries.

Thankfully, eRepublik does this automatically, sorting offers based upon the highest to lowest salaries.

Once you've found somewhere you decide you'd like to work, middle click (that is, if you're using a mouse, click with the scroll wheel) or right click and open in a new tab, the Company page by clicking on that company's name.

So to go along with my example of looking in land with skill level 4-4.99, the first place you see is Streamwood. They're salary for someone working in land with a skill level between 4 and 4.99 is 25.50 USD. That's a great salary. BUT, it's a Q3 company. I can tell this buy clicking on the company page and looking at where it says Products.
It says Wood and has 3 stars under it. The # of stars designate the quality of the product.

That means every day you work you'll loose 3 wellness. You'd have to buy Q4 food to counteract the harm to you wellness while gaining 1 wellness/day.

Decide whether that job is really worth it or not. Factor in price of food/day as well as the income tax you are charged.

In my example, if you bout Q4 food, that'd be 14.67 USD/day of food. On a 25.5 wage, the income tax for wood is 10% so (25.5 - 2.55)= 22.95 USD
(22.95 - 14.67) = 8.28 USD (assuming no other costs). If you go for a hard worker medal, at the end of those 30 days you would have: (30 * 8.2😎= 248.4 USD and 5 gold (from the medal) + 30 wellness (assuming you kept buying Q4 food) [1]

If it is not worth it, work your way on down the list and analyze each offer. Doing the calculations I did above.

But I am a brand new player looking for a good job, what do I do?

Well in that case NO MATTER WHAT, work for a Q1 until you can get your wellness up and get some money saved.

Q1 Food right now is around 1.50
Q2 Food right now is around 4.25

If you can get more than 4/day I would STRONGLY advise buying Q2 food and working in a Q1 company.

If you have any questions PM me, or Tiacha or any other member of the DoE that you can find. You can leave comments here as well, but I'm less likely to find them.

Also, for new players, you can subscribe to this newspaper in the upper right hand corner underneath the Info menu.

Thanks for reading,
I hope this wasn't too mind numbing.

Ian John Locke IV (IJLIV for short)
NJ Congressman Dec 08 - present
Member of the DoE