[Hungary ] Open letter to Dio Akira

Day 542, 08:13 Published in Switzerland Hungary by Feherlofia Koppany

Dear Dio Akira!

My MoFA, Falban informed me, that you had problems with our recent party TO in Switzerland.

Please read my TO policy.

"Hungary could perform TO action against any Atlantis country, without any limitations and preliminary warning. This means Party TO, Congress TO, Presidental TO. During this kind of action, Hungary will use every possibility to reach her goals. Every tool is allowed for the TO squad. Ruining the economy via tax or minimal wage raising, robbing the target country's Treasury or even retreating from any regions with presidency."

I know, that Switzerland is not an official member of tha Atlantis, but after your sins against PEACE - Sardinia, WSR - I must handle Switzerland as an Atlantis country. I know, that you didn't ordered your whole army to fight agains Indonesia in WSR, but as the leader of a group you must take responsibility for your actions. I don't like that kind of behaviour what never wants to bear the consequences.

Best regards,


President of eHungary