[Geopolitics] The Balkan Alliance - Numbers - Survey - EN/RO

Day 1,674, 10:28 Published in China Romania by elbandido

== EN ==

Hello everybody.
This article is different than others published by me, and you will see why. I'm reading everyday eRepublik articles, i like to be up to date with any national or international news, i noticed that many citizens are happy with the new changes in military module, division battles. Let's see some damage stats according to actual geopolitical map.

ABC - 425,318,120 - damage
EDEN - 6,130,834,670 - damage
EPIC - 696,134,060 - damage
GEA - 925,395,280 - damage
neutral - 45,448,210 - damage
ONE - 8,740,920,740 - damage
proEDEN - 698,563,630 - damage
proONE - 1,594,394,490 - damage
proTERRA - 798,090,880 - damage
TERRA - 3,999,636,940 - damage

TEDEN - 12,552,521,400 - damage
ONE - 11,456,767,410 - damage

Div1 = 172.667 total citizens
Div2 = 40.979 total citizens
Div3 = 23.235 total citizens
Div4 = 7.114 total citizens

Total = 243.995 citizens

But what eRepublik changes fail to do is to get out of battles monotony from everyday, we miss FUN, we miss a common objective, a temporary purpose. However reading the articles i know many things that begin to put them together, including:

- Bulgaria is out from EDEN because some issues with Turkey;
- Bulgaria making NAP with Turkey;
- Spain making NAP with USA and Brazil;
- Brazil is out from TERRA;
- USA want to get out from TERRA also;
- There are discussions between Spain, Brazil, USA and Poland for a new alliance;
- Greece have some issues with Croatia;
- Hungary and Romania close to make a NAP;
- ROmania and Ukraine have serious problems with Rep of Moldova

We can see together that many facts happen in the Balkans or starts in the Balkans. So, i come to you with a proposal. A proposal to form a military block in the Balkans area, shortly a new alliance. This alliance could be formed by Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Turkey and Serbia. I know there are conflicts between these six countries, but considering expansion opportunities that will be after the reconciliation, i think it goes all over the disputes of the past. Already will be a great advantage because everyone would be expandable. Romania vs. Hungary, Croatia vs. Serbia and Turkey vs. Bulgaria can reach a compromise together, and everyone will benefit.

Let's examine briefly these six countries that will form the Balkan block.

1. Romania and Hungary. Together they can attack Ukraine than Russia, or they can go together on Polan😛

Country - Potential D1 - Potential D2 - Potential D3 - Potential D4

Romania - 709,078 - 3,021,843 - 3,789,511 - 1,580,964
Hungary - 515,748 - 2,933,570 - 4,186,261 - 2,080,423
Poland - 894,964 - 3,567,212 - 6,135,557 - 3,507,018
Ukraine - 244,528 - 671,928 - 1,107,240 - 297,319
Russia - 236,581 - 1,099,762 - 1,565,406 - 810,513

2. Bulgaria and Turkey. Bulgaria can go on Greece and Turkey will help and go on Iran.

Country - Potential D1 - Potential D2 - Potential D3 - Potential D4

Bulgaria - 1,175,018 - 2,589,125 - 4,404,825 - 2,055,049
Turkey - 924,273 - 1,689,057 - 3,281,771 - 1,821,910
Greece - 637,096 - 2,453,711 - 2,918,769 - 1,122,035
Iran - 191,200 - 251,843 - 180,321 - 86,706

3. Croatia and Serbia. Croatia can go on Slovenia-Austria-Switzerland and Serbia can go Albania and Italy.

Country - Potential D1 - Potential D2 - Potential D3 - Potential D4

Croatia - 393,151 - 1,456,462 - 2,880,308 - 1,248,311
Serbia - 1,233,507 - 5,152,030 - 7,430,056 - 3,617,027
Slovenia - 127,655 - 666,149 - 1,111,563 - 894,056
Austria - 93,309 - 115,793 - 128,159 - 79,154
Albania - 300,188 - 142,000 - 38,930 - 12,879
Italy - 179,562 - 558,798 - 376,539 - 96,331

* Potential is sum of 1 hit q6 for every soldiers in a specific division.

That's been said, you have a survey to complete, please fill it and give us your feedbacks regarding this project.

== RO ==

Acest articol este total diferit fata de ce v-am obisnuit pana acum si veti vedea de ce. Eu zilnic citesc presa din eRepublik incercand sa ma pun la zi cu toate barfele nationale sau internationale, neratand ocazia de a observa ca foarte multi cetateni sunt incantati de ultimele schimbari in modulul militar, si anume impartirea pe divizii de lupta. Ia sa vedem in cifre cam pe unde se situeaza aliantele ca damage.

ABC - 425,318,120 - damage
EDEN - 6,130,834,670 - damage
EPIC - 696,134,060 - damage
GEA - 925,395,280 - damage
neutral - 45,448,210 - damage
ONE - 8,740,920,740 - damage
proEDEN - 698,563,630 - damage
proONE - 1,594,394,490 - damage
proTERRA - 798,090,880 - damage
TERRA - 3,999,636,940 - damage

TEDEN - 12,552,521,400 - damage
ONE - 11,456,767,410 - damage

Div1 = 172.667 total citizens
Div2 = 40.979 total citizens
Div3 = 23.235 total citizens
Div4 = 7.114 total citizens

Total = 243.995 citizens

Totusi ce nu reusesc schimbarile din joc, este sa ne scoata din monotonia de zi cu zi din eRepublik, parca lipseste acel FUN, acea dorinta militara de a face ceva, lipseste acel obiectiv comun. Citind presa aflu mai multe si incep sa le pun cap la cap, printre care, foarte pe scurt:

- Bulgaria iese din EDEN datorita unui conflict cu Turcia
- Bulgaria are discutii pentru un NAP cu Turcia
- Spania face NAP cu Usa si Brazilia
- Brazilia paraseste TERRA
- Usa vrea si ea sa paraseasca TERRA
- Sunt discutii intre Spania, Brazilia, Usa si Polonia pentru o alta alianta
- Croatia se cearta cu Grecia
- Romania si Ungaria tot mai aproape de un NAP
- Romania si Ukraina se cearta pe Republica Moldova

Observam cu majoritatea lucrurilor se intampla in balcani sau pornesc din balcani. Asa ca vin la voi cu o propunere. O propunere de formare a unui bloc militar zonal in balcani, pe scurt o alianta. Aceasta alianta ar putea fi formata din Bulgaria, Croatia, Ungaria, Romania, Turcia si Serbia. Stiu ca intre cele 6 tari exista conflicte, dar avand in vedere posibilitatile de extindere care vor fi dupa impacare, cred ca ar trece toti peste divergentele din trecut. Deja este un mare avantaj pentru ca toti ar avea unde sa mearga. Romania vs Ungaria, Croatia vs Serbia si Turcia vs Bulgaria pot ajunge la un compromis, si toata lumea va avea de castigat.

Haideti sa analizam pe scurt aceste 6 tari care vor forma acest bloc balcanic.

1. Romania si Ungaria. Ar putea foarte bine ataca Ukraina si de aici impreuna Russia, sau ar putea merge impreuna spre Polonia.

Country - Potential D1 - Potential D2 - Potential D3 - Potential D4

Romania - 709,078 - 3,021,843 - 3,789,511 - 1,580,964
Hungary - 515,748 - 2,933,570 - 4,186,261 - 2,080,423
Poland - 894,964 - 3,567,212 - 6,135,557 - 3,507,018
Ukraine - 244,528 - 671,928 - 1,107,240 - 297,319
Russia - 236,581 - 1,099,762 - 1,565,406 - 810,513

2. Bulgaria si Turcia. Bulgaria poate merge spre Grecia si Turcia spre Iran.

Country - Potential D1 - Potential D2 - Potential D3 - Potential D4

Bulgaria - 1,175,018 - 2,589,125 - 4,404,825 - 2,055,049
Turkey - 924,273 - 1,689,057 - 3,281,771 - 1,821,910
Greece - 637,096 - 2,453,711 - 2,918,769 - 1,122,035
Iran - 191,200 - 251,843 - 180,321 - 86,706

3. Croatia si Serbia. Croatia poate ataca Slovenia, Austria si Elvetia, iar Serbia poate ataca Albania si Italia.

Country - Potential D1 - Potential D2 - Potential D3 - Potential D4

Croatia - 393,151 - 1,456,462 - 2,880,308 - 1,248,311
Serbia - 1,233,507 - 5,152,030 - 7,430,056 - 3,617,027
Slovenia - 127,655 - 666,149 - 1,111,563 - 894,056
Austria - 93,309 - 115,793 - 128,159 - 79,154
Albania - 300,188 - 142,000 - 38,930 - 12,879
Italy - 179,562 - 558,798 - 376,539 - 96,331

* Potentialul este suma fiecarui hit q6 al cetatenilor din acea divizie.

Aveti AICI un chestionar, va rog sa il completati pentru a ne face o idee despre acest proiect.

~ Chain Shout ~
[Geopolitics] The Balkan Alliance - Numbers - Survey - EN/RO

elbandido Recommends:
dSoKre - eWorld Trade Centar - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/eworld-trade-centar-180920/1
Fremenul - COMIC NEWS - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/comic-news-183393/1
uxini - Sentimental Journal - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/sentimental-journal-225328/1

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