[GBDP] A Chat With Sekula Vasiljevic

Day 1,941, 10:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

After yesterday's interview with PP candidate jny123, we had another candidate hoping for an interview. Today's interview is with Sekula Vasiljevic, a keen ,new player who wants to help out the eUK in all ways possible. He is the current spokesperson for the party, but wants to step things up a bit for next term. The interview is below.

What is the one thing which must be focused on the most if you are PP, and why? - Question From CheetahCurtis
On recruitment policy but most important on political ranking because this current ranking isn't good enough.

What is your stance on relations with other parties? - Question From Jamie Carter
We must be open to all political parties whether they are far left or far right. We are all working for better UK.

How do you plan to recruit new players when other parties are using methods such as bribery to recruit them? - Question From jny123
I don't support bribery or anything like that, because people must join to the party with hope for better future not for gaining something. There is a tactic but you must understand me for not telling you that because that tactic would be used for some actions which I couldn't control.

You do not have much experience in politics, what else would you bring in you were PP? - Question From Anonymous
Yes, that's true, but it doesn't matter if someone don't have enough experience that isn't capable to do something for better of all us.

What will you do to help new players get involved in the party? - Question From BlobBody
I will do everything to help new players to get involved in the party, because our party need "fresh blood" if I could say that and I will protect them from any kind of trouble and I would help them as much as can.

Will anything be done to improve the national reputation of the party? - Question From CheetahCurtis
Yes and must be done, because as I said we are small and currently weak party but everything could be done, from cooperation with other big parties to let say in merge with them.

Who will be filling each position with in the party, and would I be remaining as finance officer? - Question From Bob Bloggs
First first Vice President – Jamie Carter
Second Vice President - Will Corbett
Councilor – CheetahCurtis
Executive Director Finance, Funds and Recruitment Department - Bob Bloggs
Deputy President GBDP - jny123

This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 14th of March 2013. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.