eIndia驻华使馆 祝eChina的兄弟姐妹 国庆节快乐!

Day 681, 12:25 Published in China China by Imperium India

Many many thanks to Supersuperhero for the translation! 🙂 Please accept my gratitude!

最后, 在下谨代表 eIndian, 向 eChina 的兄弟姐妹致敬, 并祝我们的友谊地久天长!

除了 “你好” 和 “我爱你” , 在下不会说任何中文, 我希望有人可以翻译这篇文 章, 转达我国人民的美好愿望, 非常感谢。

eIndian Ambassador to eChina

As the eIndian ambassador to eChina, I have the pleasure of congratulating my eChinese brethern on their National day. eindia and eChina are neighbours not only ingame but also in real life and we have a treasury of traditions and ancient history. Ingame also, we share the same ideals of neutrality and economic prosperity. More parallels can be seen in game again, with some of our regions under the administration of other nations and we continue to peacefully work towards freeing them. Thus, let us strengthen our bonds of friendship on this historic day and rejoice.

In closing, on behalf of the entire eIndian nation, I would like to salute our eChinese brothers and hope for an ever lasting bond of friendship and co-operation.

I do not speak or understand any Chinese except "ni hao" and "wo ai ni" 🙂 and would be eternally grateful if someone could kindly translate this article for me to help convey the wishes of my people. 🙂 thank you so much!

eIndian Ambassador to eChina