[Fed] Memorial Day

Day 2,742, 21:49 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

May 25th 2015 is more than just another Congress election day. It’s Memorial Day. While it’s a fantastic day to spend with friends and family, it also a day of reflection. Those of us who are privileged to live in the United States of America enjoy freedom, prosperity, and a system of law that is the envy of billions. Our great nation is far from perfect, but it is also still a place of opportunity, hope, and promise. We enjoy the great blessings of our nation in large part due to the sacrifices of the brave men and women in uniform who willingly put themselves at risk. This is a day to honor them.

I have not had the privilege of serving in the military. 10 years ago I was gearing up to go to basic training. I was joining the Army, the unit I was to be a part of would be shipping out to Afghanistan later that year. It was something I was passionately excited about. I was eager to be a part of making the world a better place. My unit I was told would be helping to build bridges, schools, and provide security for the people of a fledgling democracy. This appealed to me greatly. Unfortunately my body betrayed me before I could go to basic training. Within 3 weeks a small lump on my neck below my left ear into a tumor the size of two fists. 3 weeks after that I was diagnosed with stage 4 of a rare blood cancer and found myself in a bone marrow transplant unit with an over under survival time of 48 hours.

I survived my ordeal and have settled into a semblance of health, but my body has never quite recovered its former vigor and strength. So it was that my ambitions of serving this country in a military uniform were irrevocably shattered. A loss I will regret for the rest of my days. I have friends and family members who are veterans. Some of them came home seemingly whole, others came home damaged in some way or another. Either way they have earned my undying respect and gratitude for their service. They are in my estimation all that is right and good about the United States of America. Please join me tomorrow in remembering our Veterans. It is the very least we can do for them.

If you do find the time to log in this Memorial day please take a moment to vote Fed. The ongoing discussion involving the Dictator Legislation will be continuing it is important that we send a large delegation of Feds to Congress in order to better shape the events of this legislation. I do not believe it is hyperbole to state this session of Congress will be the most important one (in terms of critical issues requiring attention) in quite some time. We will be sending a dynamic group of players to Congress this month in order to answer the challenges facing our nation. I would ask that you Vote Fed and above all have a happy Memorial Day!