[Exclusive tutorial] How to catch a RH medal

Day 1,393, 06:29 Published in Croatia North Macedonia by Ghost Axior

No. 83. - Day 1,393
Country: eCroatia

I know that some RH medals hunters will not be happy with this article. It is not in their interest that I reveale the technique of fast supporting to all players. However that is exactly what I'm going to do in this article.

* This article is written in English, Croatian, Italian and French. If you want you can translate it in your own language and sent it to me through PM and I will add your translation in the article.

~ English version ~

There are two things that you need for catching the Resistance hero medal:
1. You need to choose wisely which RW's you will support. Choose those which will succeed!
2. You must be very fast!

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Which RW to support

Well... that is the mother of all questions!
Of course, you can try to guess on your own which resistance war will succeed and support that one... or you can try find your luck on some IRC channels where you can get tips (some of those are free and some of them are not). One of those channels are #rw-hunters and #iRW but I'm sure there are other similar channels.

* If you have information about other channels please send me PM and I will add them in this article.

If you are going to choose RW's for supporting on your own I think you will find this advices as useful:

1. Don't support RW's that were already started few times and did not succeed in the past. (For example Belgian RW in Poland)
2. Don't support RW's in region which are the only bonus (for example the only fish region) for the country that occupied that region.
3. Support RW's in regions that were occupied in training war and will be returned to the home country.
4. You can "spy" on mcbaron67, MeMeanie, In Owl We Trust, 0rinda, legendoliver, Eddy DoubleD or some other successful RH hunters. When they change their location it is the sign that some sure-winning RW will start soon.

*5. Support the RW if you see that Romper, Argrob, Flausino, ScymeX, dSoKre or PedjaT supported it before you. It is most likely that they will tank in that battle - and then it is very possible that you will earn RH medal as well.

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How to support a RW

When you chose your RW it is time for supporting it. For supporting RW you should know some general things:

1. You must be located in the region in which you want to start RW
2. You need to have 1000 local currency of country to which that region originally belongs.
For example: If you want to start RW in South Dalmatia which is occupied by Serbia you will need 1000 HRK, because South Dalmatia is originally Croatian region.
3. Resistance war can't he started before previous RW in original region of same country that is occupied by another (same) country does not end. For example: If Tuscany and Calabria (both originally Italian regions) are occupied by Croatia and RW in Calabria is in progress you will not be able to start (or support) RW in Tuscany while previous RW (that one in Calabria) does not end.
4. Resistance war can be started 24 hours after region is occupied by another country. Not before!
5. Resistance war can't be started in region that is under attack.
6. Supporting option appear on the eRepublik front (home) page, below the "Military campaigns" and abow "Campaign of the day" sign.

Don't support RW in this region. This SS was made just for the needs of this article.

Sure-winning resistance wars are almost always started either immediately after previous RW ends or immediately after 24 hours pass from conquering that region.

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How to know when 24 hours will pass from conquering the region

Well you should log some IRC channel where eRepublik bot post NEWS. In that way you will know in second when supporting option will appear!

Of course, you have to have timestamps enabled.

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To support sure-winning RW you must be really fast. I will give you few tips that will help you to be faster:

1. Two minutes before the previous RW ends close the all unnecessary tabs and open the front (home) page of eRepublik. Start refreshing your page and refresh it while supporting option does not appear. If you use mozilla firefox use f5 button for refreshing.

Put your cursor in position like on the image because that is the place where support option will appear. If there is no CoD battle put the cursor in the same position - little bit above first battle on the front page (without opening military campaign link)

2. When the support option appear quickly click the support button with your mouse and then quickly press ENTER on your keybord. After you click on the support button pop up window will open. Don't read the text in that window but just quickly press ENTER on your keyboard (it is quicker than clicking OK button with your mouse).

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If you were among 10 fastest player you will see your avatar appear on the RW supporters list and you will receive alert that RW that you supported has begun.

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I hope this tutorial, first of its kind as I know, will help you catch RH medals. I wish you all good hunting! o/

~ Hrvatska verzija ~

Dvije su stvari izrazito bitne prilikom hvatanja RH medalje:
1. Morate pametno odabrati koji RW supportati. Naravno, odaberite onaj za kojega je izgledno da će uspjeti.
2. Morate biti jako brzi!

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Koji RW supportati

Pa... To je majka svih pitanja!
Naravno, mozete pokušati na svoju ruku pogoditi koji će RW uspjeti, pa tako supportati... ili svoju sreću možete potražiti na nekom od IRC kanala na kojima daju preporuke za dizanje RW-ova (negdje preporuke još uvijek daju besplatno, ali to više i nije čest slučaj). Jedni od takvih kanala su #rw-hunters i #iRW a siguran sam da ima još dosta sličnih kanala.

* Ako imate informaciju o još kojem takvom kanalu pošaljite mi PM i dodat cu kanal u članak.

Ako se odlučite sami birati gdje ćete dizati RW evo nekoliko savjeta za koje vjerujem da će vam biti od koristi:

1. Nemojte supportati RW-ove koji su već supportani nekoliko puta i nisu uspjeli. (npr Belgijski RW-ovi u Poljskoj)
2. Nemojte supportati RW u regijama koji su jedini bonus (npr jedina fish regija) državi koja ih je okupirala.
3. Supportajte RW-e u regijama koje su okupirane u trening ratovima i koje će biti vraćene matičnoj zemlji.
4. Možete špijunirati mcbaron67, MeMeanie, In Owl We Trust, 0rinda, legendoliver, Eddy DoubleD ili nekog drugog uspješnog RH lovca. Kada oni promjene svoju lokaciju to je znak da se u regiji u koju su se preselili uskoro diže RW koji sigurno prolazi.

*5. Supportajte RW ako vidite da su ga prije vas već supportali Romper, Argrob, Flausino, ScymeX, dSoKre ili PedjaT. Tada postoji velika vjerojatnost da će isti tenkati u toj bitci, pa biste se i vi mogli okoristiti RH medaljom na račun njihovog tenkanja.

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Kako supportati RW

Kada izaberete svoj RW vrijeme je da ga i supportate. Za supportanje je bitno znati nekoliko stvari:

1. Morate biti locirani u regiji u kojoj namjeravate dici RW.
2. Morate imati 1000 lokalne valute države kojoj ta regija originalno pripada.
npr. Ako želite pokrenuti RW u Južnoj Dalmaciji, koja je okupirana od strane Srbije, trebat ćete 1000 HRK, jer je Južna Dalmacija originalno hrvatska regija.
3. RW ne može početi prije nego prethodni RW u originalnoj regiji iste države okupiranoj od strane druge države ne završi. npr. Ako su Tuscany i Calabrija (obje originalno talijanske regije) okupirane od strane Hrvatske, a RW u Calabriji je u tijeku, nećete biti u stanju započeti (ili supportati) RW u Tuscany dok prethodni RW (onaj u Calabriji) ne završi.
4. RW može početi najranije 24 sata nakon što je regija okupirana. Ne ranije!
5. RW ne može početi u regiji koja je pod napadom.
6. Opcija za support se pojavljuje na naslovnoj (home) stranici eRepublika, ispod natpisa "Military campaigns", a iznad natpisa "Campaign of the day".

Ne supportajte RW u ovoj regiji. Ovaj SS je napravljen samo za potrebe ovog članka.

RW-ovi koji sigurno uspjevaju uglavnom startaju ili odmah nakon što završi prethodni RW ili odmah po isteku 24 sata od okupacije regije.

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Kako znati kada ističu 24 sata od okupacije neke regije

Pa, trebali biste logati neki IRC kanal na kojemu eRepublik bot posta NEWS-e. U tom slučaju znat ćete točno u sekundu kada će se pojaviti support opcija u toj regiji.

Naravno, na chatu vam mora biti uključena timestamps opcija.

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Da biste supportali RW koji sigurno uspjeva morate biti zbilja brzi. Dat cu vam nekoliko savjeta kako da budete brži:

1. Dvije minute nego što završi prethodni RW (iza kojega želite pokrenuti novi) zatvorite sve nepotrebne tabove i odite na naslovnu stranicu eRepa. Počnite refreshati naslovnu stranicu dok se ne pojavi opcija za support. Ako koristite mozilla firefox stranicu refreshajte pomoću f5 tipke.

Postavite kursor miša kao na slici, jer će se na tom mjestu pojaviti opcija za support. Ako niti jedna bitka nije označena kao CoD kursor postavite u istu poziciju - malo poviše prve bitke na naslovnoj stranici eRepa (bez otvaranja militaty campaign linka)

2. Kada se opcija za support pojavi brzo mišem kliknite na support tipku i zatim još brže kliknite ENTER na tipkovnici. Nakon što kliknete tipku "support" otvorit će vam se jedan pop-up prozor. Nemojte čitati tekst u tom prozoru nego samo brzo kliknite na ENTER (to vam je puno brže nego da mišem klikate na OK tipku).

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Ako ste bili među 10 najbrzih igrača vaš će se avatar pojaviti na listi supportera, a dobit ćete i alert da je RW koji ste supportali pokrenut.

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Nadam se da će vam ovaj tutorijal, koliko znam prvi ove vrste, pomoći u hvatanju RH medalja. Svima vam želim sretan lov! o/

───► Versione italiana

───► Version Française

───► Magyar fordítás

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[Exclusive tutorial] How to catch a RH medal