[eUK] May 2015 CP Election Results - the final results

Day 2,724, 00:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis
eUK May 2015 CP Election Results - the final results

Barring the admins interfering, or the leading candidate changing citizenship randomly, looks like it's OK to call it:

snapshot taken at 23:50 on Day 2723

Apparently it didn't change in the 9 minutes it took to write this article, so we seem to be only 4 votes down on last month's election.

Back after 14:00 BST (probably more like 17:00) with any adjusted figures and further graphics.


Here's the final result in table form:

There was 1 miore vote cast, but nothing taken away by the admins. So, Fatalix is duly elected as CP by some margin!!!

For those that can't read, here's the results in another picture form:

FYI, the tallest bar won

As is customary, I'll leave you with:

said she'd look better as a redhead 😛
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