[ESP/ENG] Armas Q8

Day 2,346, 10:34 Published in Chile Chile by HerrKader
[English Version below]

Una más de Plato en su intento porque compremos golds y gastemos dinero RL.

A todos los que tienen una empresa Q7 de armas les digo: Saquen la tarjeta

A todos los Mini-Visas y que les gusta tanquear: Saquen la tarjeta

Armas Q8

La fuente es real, ya están creadas Ingame, queda solo esperar cuánto costarán y cuándo se hará realidad.

[English Version]

One more attempt of Plato to make us buy gold and expend RL money here.

To all the ones who have a weapon Q7 factory: Take out your credit card.
To all the Visas who like tanking: Take out your credit card.

Weapons Q8

The source is real, this is already created ingame, we just need to wait and see how much it will cost and when its going to be released.


+ http://www.erepublik.com/en/economy/market/24/2/8/citizen/0/price_asc/1


Armas Q8
Weapons Q8



p😛 Subs: 905/1000