|||eRepublik: Biggest F'up Ever?||| VOTE TO SAVE EREPUBLIK [Updated]

Day 425, 12:19 Published in USA Romania by BogdanFV

Admins have released an article on this matter:
Click Here For Official Release

Also, my 10,000 GOLD was removed after some communication between me and the admin members. Cheers for the great service and not banning me forever 🙂

For the "reset the game" fans:

"Also, the team of researchers consider resetting eRepublik the same as pressing the nuclear bomb button, which isn't fun at all."

Update for Evidence:


How bad is this?

I myself was unaware of any cheating going on in eRepublik until a few suspicious events occurred.
I became aware that a guy named e-garenc went out and started many resistance wars. After I approached him about it, he sent back some PMs and a nice, little, comfy sum of...10, 000 GOLD. That's a lot of GOLD guys!

How much? Clearly enough to be illegal.

I then noticed the article "eRep is Dead" in the Internationals section. After reading it it all became clear. These guys are SWIMMING in fake GOLD. I am now one of those individuals.

What now?
Its Sunday so the admins are not working so they cannot shut down the site. The cheaters can transfer the money to hundreds or thousands of accounts and launder it. The game can be f'ed up beyond any repair. Markets will be destroyed, wars will be won with ridiculous damage totals and generally everything that can go wrong will. People have billions of GOLD floating around.

What will I do, what should you do?

If you have illegal GOLD, do NOT use it. I have the GOLD in my account and am waiting for admins to delete it. I have sent them an email to investigate. I do not want to do anything to it out of fear that I will get banned no matter what happens now, whether I send back, share it, use it, or do nothing with it.

I urge everyone to vote this up, maybe subscribe because that's cool right (don't get much of those in Switzerland) and spread the word about this.

eRepublik will probably be shut down for a few days while the admins try to sort all this out and remove the GOLD. If the admins do not react soon, they will have a lot of fixing to do. Many will get rich unfairly and completely demolish the game for others. If you are a good sport like me, do not use the money and do NOT donate it back for the wrongdoers to share with others. Message admins to delete it from you.



Possible Victim of GOLD