[ENG/SRB] Make 'em stronger or remove 'em!!!

Day 1,869, 14:21 Published in Serbia Serbia by Vojevoda

Dear gentlemen

I've spent almost 3 years in this **** and therefore I have a moral right to say some things.

I understand that your main goal is $ but don't be so hungry, please.

When you introduced bazookas, my hit with the stongest weapon was lower than 2000 points. In that time, bazooka was something VERY powerful, useful and it was a REAL present for all of us. Many players earned their first BH medals exactly with bazookas.

In the meantime, players become much more stronger but you didn't do anything to upgrade bazookas,except boosters which we have to pay. In the case that we have to pay to use your "presents", please dont call them "presents" or "rewards" anymore.

Look at my storage, please. I didn't fight for BH medal from the last spring. And, what I've collected for that period of time?

Even more, why would someone from D4 use weapon which is weaker than his hit with the Q7 weapon (sometimes 100+😵????

Incredible 11+ million of DMG which is realy funny comparing to today's BH results!

Therefore I have a suggestion for you.
Bazooka for division I= 10000DMG
Bazooka for division II= 20000DMG
Bazooka for division III= 30000DMG
Bazooka for division IV= 40000DMG

And of course, one of the most "useful" things in the game:

I realy can't understand whou you're so stubborn with this... Be so kind ant remove this completely useless banner.

2'nd thing which lost its functionality is so called "bomb". Here's a simple calculation of its costs.

Tell me, please, how much bottles of alcohok I have to drink before I decide to buy this weapon?

Kindest regards with holidays.


Draga gospodo

Proveo sam skoro 3 godine u ovom **** i zbog toga imam moralno pravo da kazem neke stvari.

Ja razumem da je vas glavni cilj $ ali nemojte da budete toliko gladni, molim vas.

Kada ste uveli bazuke, moj udarac sa najjacim oruzjem je bio maji od 2000 bodova. U to vreme, bazuka je bila nesta VEOMA mocno, korisno i to je bio PRAVI poklon za sve nas. Mnogi igraci su zaradili njihovu prvu BH medalju bas uz pomoc bazuka.

U medjuvremenu, igraci su postali mnogo snazniji ali vi niste ucinili nista da pojacate bazuke, izuzev bustera za koje moramo da platimo. Ukoliko nesto moramo da platimo da bi koristili vas "poklon", molim vas, ne nazivajte ga vise "poklonom" ili "nagradom".

Pogledajte moje skladiste, molicu lepo. Nisam se borio za BH medalju jos od proslog proleca. I sta sam sakupio sa sve to vreme?

Zasto bi bilo ko iz D4 koristio oruzje koje je slabije od udarca sa Q7 (ponekad i 100+😵????

Neverovatnih 11+ miliona DMG je zaista smesno kada se uporedi sa danjasnjim BH rezultatima!

Zato imam predlog za vas.
Bazuka za divziju I= 10000DMG
Bazuka za divziju II= 20000DMG
Bazuka za divziju III= 30000DMG
Bazuka za divziju IV= 40000DMG

I naravno, jedna od "najkorisnijih" stvari u igri:

Stvarno ne mogu da razumem vasu upornost sa ovim... Budite toliko dobri i potpuno udaljite ovaj beskorisni baner.

Druga stvar koja je izgubila funkcionalnost je tzv. "bombz". Evo jednostavnog proracuna njene cene.

Recite mi, molim vas, koliko covek alkohola treba da popije pre nego sto kupi ovakvo vase oruzje?

Pozdrav svima sa praznicima!