[EDEN] Thoughts on the PEACE Offensive

Day 713, 15:17 Published in Croatia Canada by Scorpius

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*Please note that im publishing this article in one country only in hopes of getting it voted up higher. Please help me out by spreading the word about this article.*

EDIT: I just reached media mogul. Thank you to everyone who sub'd to my paper. It went up over 500 subs in a DAY. Rest assured after that display of awesomeness i wont let you guys down! - Scorp

Hello everyone. Yesterday marked what seems to be the next phase of this world war of ours. PEACE launched multiple attacks on a whole bunch of EDEN countries. Some attacks PEACE won, but overall EDEN was able to defend the key focus of the battle, Croatia. Here's a quick review of each region that was a part of the conflict:

Aegean Islands: Turkey started this battle in an effort to distract Greece from Croatia, just as Russia started Alaska to distract the USA. Greece was able to hold the Aegean Islands though, and despite the attempted distraction we were able to pull off other victories as well.

Slavonia: Attacked by Serbia and one of the key focuses of PEACE, Salvonia saw a lot of tanking on each side. Even though PEACE directed a great deal of attention on this battle it was still secured by Croatia in the end.

Northwest Croatia: Another key battle, Croatia utilized the large amount of MPPs activated by PEACE to defend this region from Hungary.

Lika and Gorski Kotar: A third attack on Croatia, this time launched by Slovenia, Lika and Gorski Kotar was also secured by the Croatians.

Oulu: Once of PEACE's small victories, Oulu was not a major focus in the war, and saw little defensive efforts by the allies. Occupied by Russia, it is not a hard region to take back, and therefor is not a major victory for PEACE.

Southern Finland: Latvia attacked this region as another minor distraction. Southern Finland was also mostly ignored in favor of the more important battles, and has been occupied by Latvia.

Lapland: Another attack on Finland, this battle was retreated again so Finland could aid Croatia. It is now occupied by Russia and is in the process of a resistance war.

Nordjylland: The UK attacked this region in an attempt to take Sweden's attention away from Croatia, like the attacks on Finland it was ignored for the most part so we could defend Croatia, and Sweden retreated the battle.

Alaska: Alaska was started by the Russians in an effort to distract the USA from the main battles. The USA retreated the battle in order to direct soldiers towards the more important regions.


Alaska (v2): Russia did not hold Alaska long though, Canada attacked it and took it back after Russia retreated the battle. Alaska now rests in the care of the USA's brothers to the north, who will be safeguarding it for the time being.

In addition to the battles started by PEACE, the Allies also started a number of resistance wars including:

Northern Cape
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh

For commentary on this most recent stage in the war, I turned to EDEN Assistant Supreme Commander, Gabriel Lavanche.

Scorpius: First of all thanks for talking with me today.So describe for us what exactly PEACE tried to accomplish with today and yesterday's attacks

Lavanche: PEACE was in difficult position when it has launched Croatia's MPPs against Hungary and Serbia. Their massive operation's purpose was to sweep Croatia from the map and clean the MPP list. They also wanted to show that PEACE still has power to win against EDEN and USA.

Scorpius: Was Croatia their only target or did they have other objectives as well?

Croatia was only real target. The regions we lost are easy to take back, so they were more distractions. That is why we didnt put much focus on those areas and retreated Alaska and Lapland. Aegean Islands was also distraction to take damage of from the main battles

Scorpius: Would you call this most recent conflict a victory for EDEN?

Lavanche: Yes and it is one of the biggest victories we have archieved in this whole world war. PEACE spent massive ammounts of gold to win there. Only starting those battles cost more than few medium sized countries can get from taxes in a month. It was clear victory even thought we have to retake some regions now. They failed to archieve victory in any important battles.

Scorpius: Thank you for your time!

Well thats all for now everyone. Congratulations to all allied soldiers and countries who fought during these battles. With your help we were able to defend Croatia from PEACE invasion, and maintain the security of yet another country. Great work everyone!

See you in the next battle! Long live EDEN!
