[eBE CP] The Third Week, The Third Update

Day 2,288, 19:50 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Hello, it's been the third week into my term and it has been exceptionally busy as a lot has happened. Although a lot happens every week this week a flurry of NE laws were proposed and passed in our relative region. For more information about this and international/ domestic issues please continue reading on.

International Affairs

Natural Enemy laws involving our Neighbors and Belgium
Belgium's Natural Enemy on the United Kingdom has expired as the ATO wipe is over for this month. But along side this NE their has been a lot of others in our relative region. Starting with the Netherlands during the ATO wipe and while Belgium had a NE on the United Kingdom, the Netherlands proposed two Natural Enemy's against Belgium over time, with then first one failing and the second one being proposed by the CP of eNL: Kordak passing. With it passing the race to conquering Wallonia started. Thanks to the great coordination between Belgium an The Untied Kingdom and The eUKs military power compared to those fighting against them in Flanders, the eUk was able to attack Wallonia first, establishing a wall between Belgium and the Netherlands forcing eNL to give up their natural enemy.

Shortly after eGermany declared Natural Enemy against eNL proposed by their MoD , and three (Germany: 2 , Netherlands: 1 , Netherlands : 2 ) other Natural Enemy proposals followed from eNL and eGermany. In both cases the first eNE did not pass and the second one winded up passing. The Country President of Germany wrote a article about why Germany attacked eNL, the link is located here.

Why Belgium is so Sirius
This week following the debate , I have published a article about Belgium's pro Sirius stance. A recap of this article can be found below.

"But the point of this article is to reaffirm Belgium's pro-Sirius stance. The Alliance based off of equal foundations and rights for each member is the right fit for the future of Belgium. It's members and other proSirius nations have and continue to assist and support Belgium during times of need, and Belgium gladly will reciprocate this gesture. This is the time to rekindle fried shops that have been lost, create new friendships to last, and Improve and enhance those that already exist"

Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs)
In regards to MPPs, I will be continuing the maximum of 2 mpps for my term, at the beginning of the term and it was mentioned during the finest cp update, a few Bank Managers transferred money into the treasury to fulfill most of the government expenses this term. I am very glad to announce that Belgium has resigned a MPP with Spain. Spain is currently fighting against Romania and it was a no brainier they will have active battles to fulfill Daily Orders and making it easier for Belgian citizens to fight. The Belgian vote for the MPP can be found here and the spanish equivalent can be found here. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is looking into one more MPP, whom will bring Belgians active battles to fight in.

Domestic Affairs

Grab Bags
The Ministry of Home Affairs with co coordination and organization from the Ministry of Finance is running a grab bag program to generate some more activity domestically as well as generating some money for the state. Each bag is a fixed amount of 250 cc and their is 100 bags, you can buy more than one bag. Each Bag contains a random amount of supplies ranging from :500 CC + 1 gold + 5 Q7 weapons + 250 Q5 food to 1 Q7 weapon. One all bags are bough, the Finance team will distribute supplies. Make sure to view this article for the full supplies and information about the NHS

Monetary Market actions
The Ministry of Finance has been hard at work, over the course of this term we have been looking at more ways to generate money for Belgium (small or large). The Finance team has been strategizing on the Monetary market, although the profit may be small, any amount is greatly useful. By using 50,000 cc within the NBB BNB we have generated a profit of 2.31% which is equivalent to 1156.69 cc, everything adds up over time. The Finance team will be working on the Monetary market again in order to generate more revenue

eBelgian Academy : Tutorials and Guides
The Ministry of Education and Home Affairs has been working on a eBelgian Academy which will serve as a database for guides as well as a step by step tutorial, organizing guides to be more essential to the new players. The website is still under construction and it should be open to use by the end of the term. The website will always be a work in progress, constantly updating and changing tutorials and guides. Look forward to a future article announcing the opening of the website

Security Council
The Security council law is being updated, if anyone is questioning the timing the answer is pretty simple. My reasoning was Party President elections must succeed in terms of stability and go well in order to fully implement the Security council. Fortunately Party President elections went very well and on the forum we (members of the community) are working on updating past flaws in the law and clearing up more issues. If all goes well it should be up relatively soon. A reminder to Party Presidents in the Top five, pick your Representative to your party and Pm it to me in game. It is important if you want your party to be represented, to check out the debate please go to this link

New Library of Links
If you look below, eBelgium now has a new library of links besides including the NHS and Ministry of Home Affairs, I felt it was time for a change. It looks phenomenal in my opinion and from what I have been told.

Mr. Wonka,
Country President of eBelgium