[eBE CP] The Fourth times a charm

Day 2,295, 20:05 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Hello, well the fourth ones always a charm. I will also be publishing a final update tomorrow, but the final update will be focusing more on the whole term rather than the past week. The fourth week has been very interesting, and i encourage you to read and find our why 😉.

International Affairs

Netherlands Embassy : Reopened
Last week tensions between Belgium and The Netherlands, were very tense, with a Natural Enemy coming from the Netherlands as seen here. Reforms from the Netherlands government have seem to take place and tensions have greatly eased. Due to this both countries have announced both of our embassy's have been reopened. I look forward in the future for a improvement of relations between our two countries. But i am glad to have (almost - as it is not over yet) ended the term in a peaceful state between our two countries. I would also like to thank The Netherlands for their damage , weapons and support against Moldova.

Moldova Air Strike
The Republic of Moldova has Air Striked Belgium, as seen this Ministry of Defense Article. Moldova came prepared, they've been planning this and they've been signing 6 MPP's the last 3 days prior to the Air Strike, as seen below in the updates about MPPs Belgium has signed 6 mpps to combat Moldova. All of our regions have been taken, and the previous resistance war of Brussels was a very important and epic battle. The actions and valor of our allies has shown Belgium, others are by our side and we don't stand alone I would like to thank the UK for bringing the fight to the RoM as seen in the NE proposal by the UK, your efforts to send RoM back home has not gone in recognized in the Belgian community. I encourage Belgians to thank our allies and vote this article and international readers who helped Belgium with the Romanian Airstrike

Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs)
although it was expected to have only two MPPs, obviously our plans have been changed due to the Moldova Air Strike mentioned above. In regards to MPPs, prior to last update we signed a MPP with Spain. After the proposal of the RoM Airstrike myself and the Ministry of Defense and Foreign Affairs contacted allies around the world to support and defend Belgium. Now before you call me insane for spending 70,000 cc in MPPs, this is not the case. In total all seven MPPs cost 20,000 cc for the Belgium State. Thanks to the donations of governments, citizens of Belgium and foreign countries we received 40,000 cc in donations (thank you so much to those that donated) which went towards the MPPs with (The United Kingdom, Croatia, Macedonia, and Poland). So in the end the government did not go over the budget of two MPPs per month (Spain and Turkey). But we gained four other MPPs, which should be used to their fullest advantage to defend Belgium and keep our fighters and tanks active on the battlefield.

State MU Updates
The Ministry of Defense has published a article about the State Military Units.What is a State MU? What is the difference between a State Military Unit and a Private One ? Simple, a State MU has to follow the Orders of the State and thus the government. So if the State gives orders to fight for Country A, the State Military Unit will fight for Country A while a Private Military Unit could tell you to fight for Country D instead. i encourage you to continue reading about the state MUs ABC, BCA, and BNA located here. Secondly i have some important updates about ABC. ABC is our military unit for new players. Currently a new commander has taken charge: Franckie18, i wish him much luck and a prosperous future for ABC. The law enabling Franckie18 to be commander can be seen here. ABC is also in need of supplies the previous supplier is not able to continue handling supplies, Belgium and myself thanks him for his service. If you know information about supplies or are willing to supply ABC, please contact Franckie and or participate in the debate located here

Domestic Affairs

Grab Bags
The Ministry of Home Affairs with co coordination and organization from the Ministry of Finance is running a grab bag program to generate some more activity domestically as well as generating some money for the state. Each bag is a fixed amount of 250 cc and their is 100 bags, you can buy more than one bag. Each Bag contains a random amount of supplies ranging from :500 CC + 1 gold + 5 Q7 weapons + 250 Q5 food to 1 Q7 weapon. One all bags are bough, the Finance team will distribute supplies. I encourage everyone to buy a bag located here

How to make a company
The Ministry of education published a article about Making companies, to support the new BEA website you can view the guide located here. The guide walks new players through all the aspects of making a company. "When you want to build a new company see the following(see below) and then choose which type of company you would want to built. In order for food and weapon factories to work you will need their raw materials which are produced by specific companies listed under food raw materials and weapon raw materials there is 1 alternative and thats buying your raw materials on the market but it has been proven that in times of crisis that that could be an expensive thing to do."

eBelgian Academy : Tutorials and Guides
The Ministry of Education and Home Affairs has been working on a eBelgian Academy which will serve as a database for guides as well as a step by step tutorial, organizing guides to be more essential to the new players. Please note the website is still under construction and it will be a work in progress for future Education and Home Affairs Ministries The website will always be a work in progress, constantly updating and changing tutorials and guides. Without further ado The Belgian Education Academy: Guides and Tutorials. I would like to thank The Ministry of Home Affairs for the hard work put in to website.

Security Council
The Security council law has been updated, and a lot of issues involving the law have been fixed for hopeful future use. Although I would have liked it up and running soon, unfortunately my focus was vastly divided on the defense of Belgium from the military actions involving Belgium this month. Such changes to the law include extending membership of the country president as a SecCo member, defining who the top five parties are, participating in the Security Council, and ensuring a active SecCo as well as a variety of other updates including grammar corrections, by the forum's local Grammar Wiz. The debate and the vote can be seen at these links. (Debate and The Vote.)

Mr. Wonka,
Country President of eBelgium