[外电翻译] 致旅居e中国的克罗地亚同胞

Day 2,004, 07:11 Published in China China by ackmk9

原文:For Croats in eChina (Hrvati u Kini)
英文译者:Jin Yang

For Croats in eChina (Croats in China)

Dislaimer; This article is written for Croats with Chinese CS. Please use goOgle translate if you want to read it.
声明:本文是写给持有e中国国籍的克罗地亚同胞. 如果你对本文有兴趣, 请使用google翻译.

Times are changing drastically lately, EDEN is dissolved and our eCountry has started to go with some new roads.How will be the relations between eCroatia and eChina in future depends a lot of us here, we have a solid community for the country like it is eChina.There are enough of us to build incredible hatred of eChinese citizens to eCroatians, but there is also enough of us that we become an axle of big friendship between eCroatia and eChina. Everything depends on us whether we will attempt to TO them every month or we will keep our word and build on our friendship, perhaps more intensely than it was before.
最近世事变幻莫测, 尤为剧烈, EDEN解散, 而我们的国家正在寻找新的道路. e中国和e克罗地亚的关系也同样面临重新定义, 而这和我们这些旅居e中国的克罗地亚人, 作为一个团结为国的集体(就如同e中国公民对他们的国家), 息息相关. 我们有足够的人数在e中国公民和e克罗地亚公民之间掀起大量的仇恨, 我们也有足够的人数成为e克罗地亚和e中国的伟大友谊的支撑. 这一切取决于我们是每个月都试图去侵入他们的政治体系, 还是信守我们的诺言并且继续建构友谊, 也许我们此时此刻的选择, 相较以往, 会造成更强烈的影响.

Word is a word. We promised them something, and as ambassadors of eCroatia we must have honor and we must keep our word.No matter which alliance eChina decides for we must stay friends of eChina. We can not afford to become "cipelići" or "leteći medvjedići". If we must loOk like some figures than lets be Croats and gentlemens..lets be Baltazar (the solution for all problems).
诺言就是诺言. 我们承诺过一些事, 并且作为e克罗地亚的代表, 我们必须信守我们的荣誉和诺言. 不管未来e中国选择哪个联盟, 我们都必须保持和e中国的友谊. 我们不能成为"cipelići" 或 "leteći medvjedići". 如果我们必须挑选我们的角色, 请让我们成为真正的克罗地亚人和绅士. 我们可以成为Baltazar(一切问题的解).

I know that some citizens are not satisfied with eChina's policy towards foreigners and strict control of giving CS, but If you loOk it from their angle the fear is justified. Scarce country with 100% bonuses, blessed with goOd neighborhoOd can become an easy target. USA is an example of how countries can fall on this exam.
我知道我们中的一些同胞不满意e中国的对外政策和严格的移民政策, 不过, 如果你从他们的角度看, 你会发现他们的担忧是有道理的. 人口稀少之国却享受着100%资源加成, 并且周边环境安好, 这会是PTOer的好目标. eUSA是一个很好的例子, 展示给我们看一个国家如何在这场考验中失败.

In the worst case if eCroatia and eChina find themself on opPosite sides, respectful in battle, like knights are we going to fight, but we can not afford to behave immorally and interfere in their politics, and especially we cant allow to become TO-ers.
即使最糟糕的状况发生了, e克罗地亚和e中国发现彼此在联盟的对面, 我们也可以选择在战场上彼此尊重, 像个骑士一样的战斗. 我们无力负担作出不道德行为和政治干涉行为的代价, 特别是不能成为PTOer.

We can always better. Our populated community in eChina can and should be much more active. Not political but human, Croatian!! This is the main reason why i am running for PP.I want try to animate our community and do all in our power to help our eCountry in key battles, resources, sharing and even in buying DMG which we can buy in our Diaspora. I know that mostly all of us give 110% of themself for eCroatia, but as a community we can give twice more.
我们总能做到更好. 我们这些旅居e中国的人组成的社区能够, 且应当更加的主动. 不是在e中国的政治事务, 而是更主动的发扬我们的人性, 我的克罗地亚同胞. 这就是我参加这次党魁竞选的主要原因. 我想要鼓舞我们的社区, 在关键的战场上, 在物资上, 尽我们全部的力量去帮助我们的国家, 甚至购买我们能支付得起的伤害. 我知道几乎所有旅居e中国的克罗地亚人将自己的110%都献给了国家, 但是, 当我们作为一个集体团结起来, 我们能给出两倍, 甚至更多.

It is a shame that the diplomatic relations between eChina and eCroatia is often on thin ice, that our embassy hasnt reports from eChina. Why wouldnt we all make reports, publish articles as a community by promoting our friendship. Alliances are today such, tomorrow it will be different..friendship, the relationship of trust and respect is what matters.
e中国和e克罗地亚的外交关系经常如履薄冰, 这是非常遗憾的事情, 并且我们驻中国的大使并没有回报这事. 我们为什么不经常做报告, 发表文章, 作为一个集体而行动, 努力的提升双方间的友谊. 联盟里今天可能是这些国家, 明天可能是不同的国家, 建立在信任和尊重之上的关系才是关键之物.

Friendship is more worth than everything else!

The candidate for PP of party "Hrvati u Kini"
by DominionHR

"Hrvati u Kini"党党魁候选人

Jin Yang的补充:
"cipelići" means - people how work for someone, fulfilling his every wish, even the wishes are not goOd.. so Dominion wanted to say that they must think with their own minds, doing only goOd between China and Croatia

leteći medvjedići has similar meaning, like - when someone gives an order you dont ask, you just do it fast

"cipelići"是指那些为他人工作, 只会完成老板所有命令, 即使命令不好也照样执行的人. 这里Dominion想说大家作出任何行为前应先思考, 只做有益于中克关系的.

"leteći medvjedići"有相同的意思, 如, 当接到命令时毫不置疑, 只会想着如何迅速完成的人.

Jin Yang是我未出生很久很久前就来到eC帮忙建设国家的克克友人


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