Day 1,616, 13:33 Published in Brazil Brazil by Dragnamor

Sim, depois de Kongha encherem meu saco criei o meu jornal MUHAHAHA com o nome de DP, Dragon's Paper.
Tchê, adoro o DP

Mas sem objetivo principal por enquanto, só escrever artigos trolls e revelar publicamente minhas habilidades no paint

Qual será a nova medalha que o Plato deve anunciar?

Minha ideia é que a medalha deveria se chamar

Achieved for spending 1000 gold

Qual a sua ideia?

PS: Se dizer que desenho mal no paint o pipi cai


After some people Kongha motivated me to write a newspapper, I've made it, with the name DP, Dual Dragon's Paper.

I've got no main objectives by now, only troll and reveal my paint habilities to the world.

As first article I've choosen to talk about the new medals

I think it will be called

Achieved for spending 1000 gold

PS: Talk shit about my paint skills and your junk will get small