(DoFA) Indo NAP Renewal

Day 3,049, 20:19 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Foreign Affairs

Hello eAustralia,

As previously mentioned in the recent CP article the DoFA has been in contact with eIndo in regards to our old NAP agreement.

eIndo was hoping to have a renewed and refreshed NAP so the new players coming to the game, from both sides and also for the old players, to know that we both value our new friendship and want to continue to work together for a greater peace and stability in this region.

A Little bit of History

I am going to rack my brains and try and recall some history between our two nations. Many years ago (around 2 or so) when I joined eRep, Indo and Australia had a volatile and sometimes violent history. It wouldn't be out of place to see both nations at war, one occupy the other. But around January 2015 the Australian government negotiated the release of occupied regions from Indonesia. From this point on our two countries began to grow closer.

However relations between the two nations took a turn for the worse in August 2015, when Australia and Indo went to war with each other. This resulted in Indo being occupied by Australia. However after a month, regions were slowly released back to Indo and relations grew again.

It has been around 7 months since that war and eIndo and eAustralia have had a very good relationship. Even if we are traditionally on different sides of the alliance spheres, our MPP partners occasionally are at war with each other or in some cases the MPP partners are at direct war with one of us, we have maintained our communication channels to ensure no miss-understanding is present.

Why bother to renew?

Many might be asking "Why bother to renew?" since everything has been going fine. Well eIndo recently had a baby boom, eAustralia has been having a steady increase of new arrivals and also old players coming back.

The idea of the renewal, is to ensure the new faces, the new additions and the next generate see that our two countries are happy to live side by side in peace and harmony. In hope the next generation of players will continue in the good faith that the past players have seen to foster and grow.



Recognizing the improvements in the relations between our nations the governments of Australia and Indonesia agree to continue the long standing NAP between our two great nations. This includes promising not to start new hostilities between our countries and to sign the following Non-Aggression Pact:

1. The signing countries agree not to start new hostilities between them and therefor won´t propose declarations of natural enemy or direct war or airstrike laws against each other.

2. The signing countries won´t start nor support any resistance wars in regions which are occupied by one of the signing states. Unless it is a pre-arranged region hand over/swap. This also includes regions which are being rented out.

3. While our MPP partners might differ, both countries will try and not endorse or support any acts of aggression against each signatory, however the defense of our MPP partners will be accepted (in setting of DOs but not direct attack).

4. Any potential training wars between the signing countries won´t affect this Non-Aggression pact.

5. This agreement will be valid for one month from the date of signing and will be renewed as long as no signature state contradicts. Both countries will publish this NAP in their government newspapers.


Since this is a NAP unfortunately it can not be voted on by the in game proposal screen. The DoFA is producing this article to allow open discussion by all members of congress and also to allow the Australian public to view it. A link to this article will be provided in the Congress section of the forums and also in the new congress threads once congress has been sworn in.

Voting can take place in one of the 3 area's, comment section, forum and in-game congress thread. To ensure votes a observed, they will be tallied and checked by personal with access to all three methods (screen shots can be provided to congress members who want verification). Yes, this all seems pretty confusing to do a voting process, but until we have a majority of players willing to use one form/system, it is the fairest way of doing it.

As always, any questions please ask.

Rusty D
Assistant to the assistant in the DoFA

Note: the hosting site I use for images is currently offline, hence you might have issues viewing the banners and page breaks. No other images have been used and I will be checking in later to see if the hosting site is back on or trying to find another one to host the images so it can be viewed in eRep