[DKL]Daily order and gamemechanics

Day 2,519, 12:21 Published in Denmark Denmark by Maine Coon

Everyday we try to set a daily order for you to fight in. As we do not have any MPP´s of our own, we go by the ones our Union partner Germany have.
This means that we most days can have a DO, but it all depend on the MPP´s of Germany. It also means that if Germany is low on MPP´s and none of them are fighting, we have nowhere to set the DO (resistancewars cant be chosen, it has to be MPP battles)

We can choose to set a random fighting country in the prioritylist, and then you will have to move to finish the order.
Thats why we try very hard for this not to happen too often, but unfortunately it does sometimes.

Mutual protection Pacts

Gamemechanics makes the job as commander in a country with no MPP´s very hard and difficult. We have almost no say in what the order will be. All we can do is to set a prioritylist and then the game decide which one is chosen, and which battle to go for.
Only option we have to change to a battle of our own choice is if Denmark is fighting own battles, and even then we can only chose Danish side. As you know we sometimes have to fight on German side to reset regions, but we can not choose that option ourselves.

Prioritylist and how we are able to chose countries to fight for or against.

A small example of the difficulties we sometimes face :

Lets say Germany had MPP with Bulgaria, and they are in the middle of a fight. Our DO changed for this battle, and at the same time the MPP expire.
Now we have a battle that is not a MPP battle and cant be reached from a German region.

Commander (me) change the prioritylist and remove Bulgaria to get a country on the list having the MPP with Germany.

Gamemechanics step in here and is very annoying, as the order wont change in the middle of a battle. We have this DO until the battle is over, and the game start looking for a new in our prioritylist and we cant do anything about it.

Another example, but this time in our favor:

No country from our Proritylist is fighting (not looking at resistance as they don´t count here) and we do not have a DO. Now we can check if any other MPP´s are fighting but is not on our list (remember the list only give you the chance to set 5 prio´s). If we are lucky, the Commander can change the list and set in a fighting MPP country. This time the order will change right away as we didnt already have a running battle (DO)

I hope this short explanation will answer many questions you might have regarding the daily order, and why the order sometimes doesn´t follow what is said is priority by the MoD (our problem is gamemechanics that doesnt let us decide ourselves)

Queen of eDenmark, Primeminister and Commander of Den Kongelige Livgarde