ЕDEN's Nations - Bulgaria

Day 1,448, 05:25 Published in Norway Bulgaria by SandeRBG

Hello, people of Norway!
In this article I want to describe one of the strongest EDEN nations - Bulgaria. I hope the article will be useful for you, but if you have more ideas what could I add, tell me, please. The information will not be updated, so it will not be correct forever. Thanks for voting and subscribing to my newspaper! Enjoy reading!

Bulgaria is a country, located in the eastern part of Europe. It has a population of 7 872 and now is the owner of 12 regions, 6 of them - original. There are about 3000 active players and even more are coming. The country was added 2008, and the most significant growth of the polulation and the power was 2010.
Bulgaria is one of the most important members of EDEN and right now, together with Romania has the leading role on the Balkan, when Croatia and Greece are almost wiped. It has suffered a couple of heavy wars against Serbia, Turkey and FYROM, but no this land finds itself in peace, which helps the economy to grow and is a good chance for the reorganization of the army and other civil structures.
Bulgaria has MPPs with:

Bosnia and Herzegovina
South Korea
South Africa

One of the greatest goals for the new governments is to gain colonies. Surrounded by friendly neighbours or super powerful enemies, there are only a few options about it. At the moment Bulgaria has 6 not original regions, 3 of which are connected to the capital. The other territories in Ukraine help it to be save against any Hungarian attack, so they are not useless at all.
The 3 new resources are a good boost for every producer in Bulgaria and most of the factories have doubled their work. The salaries are relatively high, but the prices are not. That is the reason why the Bulgarians fight a lot and are developing the best civil war mechanism in the world. The colonies are taken from Ukraine and Russia, which have no problem with that. There is a small rent, but the most important thing about it is that those countries are secured against Turkey and other ONE nations.

The plans of the new congress are to reduce the taxes and to make the people earn more, instead of giving the tax money to the army only. The normal citizens are happy about it because this is the opportunity for them to have a good growing business. The bonuses are bringing more Gold to the treasury so it is not that bad for the military either. The state could give money to found a company, which you should pay back for a longer period of time, and it is working quite well!
The government has many development programs which should help every new Bulgarian to become stronger and richer, having the financial support of the state. So it is not the country earning from taxing, but the people who actually gain more possibilities to develop faster.
1 Gold = 899 BGN
1 BGN = 0.002 Gold

The politicians in Bulgaria are an interesting topic. There are 2 main groups of parties and ideas - the nationalist and the independent reformists. The first ones want more wars and unstopping fight against ONE, and the second group wishes to have some peace for the population in order to make it stronger and to help the other EDEN lands. Now the more popular idea is the Reform and the Peace.
After a series of lost wars and decrease of the player's number, the Bulgarians prefer that. The congress is formed mainly that way, build by conservative democrats and new reformists. The current president is elected with more than 66% of the votes, so it shows what the people want. The political battles on these elections was mainly between the nationalist and him, but the idea of instant win on all fronts is already forgotten, that is why the candidate of the Bulgarian National Front has only 20% of the support.

The Bulgarian Government:

CP: Stenlito
MoWar: Lubo Uzunov
VMoW: Avit0hol
VMoW: Custo89
VMoW: traptukan
VMoW: Pesho Kuzmanov
VMoW and coordinator to EDEN: KoHaH
MoForeign Affairs : The Graverobber
VMoFA: Melliores
VMoFA: Absfresh
MoFinance: Nikolaymilev
MoEconomics: Absfresh
MoInformation: Stesel
VMoI: No carrier
MoYouth: Tablov
MoTruth : Bakalin

I hope you did enjoy the article and that it was useful for you. I will write more descriptions of other EDEN countries, which are helping us and which we should help too. I think the most important task for Norway right now is to prevent the PTO attempts, trying to put it in the hands of ONE and to prove its loyalty to the friends. Thank you for reading!

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If somebody has the wish to translate the article in Norwegian, I am ready to pay him. Just write me!

I could always help new players or other foreigners in Norway, so contact me. I would like finding new friends and meeting people, so I will be happy if you write me.