|CP| Transnistria vs. Ucraina

Day 1,643, 14:41 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by UB 80
Salutare Moldova!!!

Stimati concetateni!
Ultima saptamana ne-a oferit ocazia sa trecem prin situatii pline de emotii. Razboiul(TW) dintre Moldova si Ucraina a evoluat mai intai in defavoarea Moldovei, insa, dupa o scurta perioada de aflare sub ocupatie, Fortele Armate Moldovenesti, cu ajutorul armatelor prietene, in special cele romane, au reusit sa elibereze, rand pe rand, regiunile tarii noastre.
Ultima regiune este Transnistria. Dupa cum se poate observa, aceasta regiune a fost lasata sub ocupatie ucraineana. Scopul este foarte clar: zilnicele RW-uri deschise in aceasta regiune ofera cetatenilor posibilitatea de a-si acumula acel damage necesar pentru medaliile de TP.
In urma discutiilor, duse cu partea ucraineana, s-a inteles ca, Ucrainei ii convine aceasta situatie de status-quo. Ei neavand nici o alta lupta unde cetatenii lor sa aiba posibilitatea de a-si lua aceleasi medalii de TP.
Acest status-quo va fi momentan mentinut, pana la interventia unor alte imprejurari, care ne pot dicta inchiderea totala a actiunilor militare. In acest sens se mai poarta discutii intre parti.

Cu respect, UB 80 alias Uigres_Barbu!

Hello World!

Dear e-world citizens!
Last week offered us the occasion to experiment all kind of emotions. From hope to disappointment, from disappointment to anger, from anger to revengeful trough’s, and from revenge to forgiveness. The war(TW) between Moldova and Ukraine evolved firstly in the disfavor of Moldova, but after a short time of being occupied The Moldavian Army Force, with help from friendly countries, especially Romania, has managed to liberate one by one the regions.
Last region to liberate is Transnistria. As you can see, this region has been left under Ukrainian occupation. The reason is very clear: the daily RW’s opened in this region offer the citizens’ possibility to gather necessary damage for the True Patriot medals. After long and exhaustive discussions with the Ukrainians, it was understood that for them it was an advantage to keep this status-quo, because they don’t have any other fights where the citizens can take the True Patriot medal.
This status-que will be for now kept, until other happenings may force us to change it. But keep in touch; we are still talking with our eastern friends. More results soon.

President of Moldova:
UB 80 alias Uigres_Barbu