[CP] Our current situation

Day 1,270, 03:41 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

After a 3 month occupation the Netherlands was able to get out of Polands grip. However this only lasted for a week, seeing that France signed a peace-treaty with Poland, after which they turned their attention back to our Oil and cattle regions.

Poland is less willing to negotiate with us since last time, since they held trust in a negotiation pact with us. This pact however was never passed through congress, and holds no legal status in our country. Those talks also followed to other talks about renting of our regions, which were abruptly stopped. New talks are continuing, but both sides are locked by public opinion which hardly leave any room for possible proposals.

In the meanwhile it is very much needed that our nation get's a long-lasting resolution for this problem, we have been wiped for over 5 times the last 6 months, this is depressing our community. At this moment we are looking at all options and talking with all possible strategic partners. Both MoFa and dMoFa are working very hard on these options, and I would like to thank them for all their efforts. Also we must focus seriously on the escape-option of creating a babyboom.

It is important that our country stays united in these troubling times, although we might be in different parties, we must forget we are all in this mess together.
We must cherish the spirit of Verenigd Nederland, and build towards a sustainable future. I ask of you to vote in this poll, and join there in the discussion for a lasting future of our nation.

Luctor et Emergo - Ik worstel en kom boven!

Daniel Parker

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