[CP] On MU funding

Day 1,739, 19:16 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

Step into my office, please.

Since the tax change set in motion by this mercifully almost done Congress our revenues as a country have been cut in half. Latest projections by the Minister of Finance (also me) show that we will not be able to afford the current budget amount when Congress goes to donate it on September 7. The money simply won’t be there to do it.

Back when I was President three years ago, and President a year and a half ago, the idea behind MU funding was that we would give the bulk of the money to the CAF and then TCO because they would follow government orders and could be counted upon to hit at exactly the right time at exactly the right place. The other reasons for funding, military build up and community building and etc were distant seconds. Now every MU that wants to gets funding, and the government’s ability to direct MU attacks come down to the hope they listen to orders. The same level of control isn’t as possible in today’s decentralized MU world, and thus I must ask, what exactly are we paying for?

At the very least funding at our present rate of revenues mean MUs should expect a third or less of their present funds -- about $100000 per donation term considering what we’ve got to work with. The free MPPs we’ll get with this alliance contest can help draw that out a little while but after that the spigot runs dry. Considering that $100,000 over 10 days for 400 fighters is about a tank a day for everyone, maybe it’s time to reprioritize our MU funding.

My proposal for thought is this: We build up a reserve for the CP/MoD to use for specific battles with the Revenue Canada org, I’d say $30000 to $50000, so that funding can be used in a coordinated fashion to secure specific battles of national importance. The money would be refilled after the CP/MoD explained how the money was used before and why. The rest of the unallotted treasury funding could be held within the treasury with each MU holding a “share” of the money equal to their size of active fighters, we can use something like egov4you because we don’t require anything too specific. Once their share reaches a certain amount for an infrastructure purpose, they can petition Congress to release those funds so they may use it to increase their sufficiency. For regular daily funding, MUs are on their own.

This isn’t a policy of government, but merely an idea to build upon. The reality of our financial situation isn’t going away, and with the new tax change the need to discuss our options has become even more pressing.
But what are your thoughts? Should Canada continue to fund MUs at all? Should it raise taxes again?

I’d certainly be eager to hear from Congressional candidates too.