[CP-Nyx Lynx] CRAZzzE

Day 2,206, 12:03 Published in Pakistan Serbia by Nyx Lynx


It’s been a crazy month, very eventful. I’ve spent way too much time on this sh1t mang : / Its not even funny mang : s Well actually it was pretty funny : D

You have no idea about the things I had to witness hehe. Being CP gives you a closer look at people. The team dynamics, work ethics, who is a natural leader, who is a good team player, who is a whiny b1tch etc.


My advice to future CP is to segregate duties. It works fine until you put them all together. Then they go at each other like dogs and cats. Why? Mostly people do it to impress their friends or gang-mates. There is this pack mentality that is very evident.

So some of them act like they are great leaders and legends in front of their followers and to impress these people, they act all great and write BS. Then when they get slapped by people who don’t give a sh1t, they become totally butthurt and tears flow. Oh they flow and flood the whole internet.


Some people have forgotten that this is just a game. I’ve seen some RL hatred going on here. It is actually quite disturbing. They hold grudges for years in a game 😮 They fight with such passion that it is alarming.


I extended my hand to the “other side?” And I got my hand bitten. See, I don’t really know all the people in PTI/PRF but man that Ahsan just spoils it for everybody doing his silly politics.


Now everyone knows I was treading on thin ice with the whole unity thing. You all now have seen how everyone fight with each other, so when we all tried and tied it up together to make things work, it was very delicately held.

And everything was fine until poor Sparkfyre gets banned by erep glitch. But some dolt writes a juvenile article without caring about the damage it would cause. Ok, he was a new guy being egged on by his pack, so that is somewhat forgivable. But HoC posts a screenshot and says she is been caught making multis. Totally unnecessary.

Then that spark ignites fire and people like Ahsan who have nothing better to do other than political BS propaganda and talk thirteen to a dozen, wedge themselves in such scenarios, make a HUGE issue out of trivial things and start crying rivers and oceans. And there goes Unity down the drain.

HoC could have asked people to STFU and taken care of things, but nooo, he had to just sit there and let his lawyer Ahsan cry for him. This is why I am pissed at HoC.


But you see I think some people just are addicted to fighting. When talking about real work and getting things done, these so called legends disappear since they have RL stuff to do.

But when it comes to fighting, especially with girls they have all the time in the world. God forbid if Ahsan were to do supply duty in major wars, we would have to read epic sagas and odysseys of never-ending lamentation.

Some people create trouble because they can’t see others succeed. They are green with jealousy. Even in a game pffft… Very uncool.

Yeah I know you have been butthurt about things in the past. But who gives a rat’s arse? Why should we sit and cry about the past? Why does all that even matter? The game has changed, the people have changed, and alliances have changed. But petty thinking? Has that changed? Nope. Will it change? Maybe not.

Now some of them were talking about leaving and some have already left. Lol they exactly want you to leave. They are happy if you are hurt and leave. So don’t give them that pleasure.

Strywgr and I got some threats on IRC LOL. Someone was like, “you will see what I will do. Wait and see.” AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA /me dies laughing hehe

/me resurrects to continue writing…

So where was I, hrm yes the term…,


Big Thanks to everyone that worked with me. I will remember all of you. You are in my mind and heart. Sincerest thank you to all. I won’t write names cos it’s a huge list, maybe I will write a separate one only with names. I will do it in a couple of days, not now, I’m kinda sleepy. I want to write a proper thank you notes, and now since I could just fall on my keyboard I don’t want it to be jnsabjhegqwhgkwgkbkabdkbdhkabdkakdh qwhdgyiwgywg

I will mention one name though since I was saving it for the last. Dio Maximus. With the ATO efforts he was amazing and his work is clean. He doesn’t do it to get credit or do BS politics. He is above all that. Total respect Dio Maximus o7


We will get Gujrat today. It was fun. I will write about this tomorrow. I shall include the expenditure, people that helped, the score etc. Go fight there. It is always fun to troll Abhigay on IRC lol.


Lol I was called “Intelligent Psycho” by Ahsan. ROFL

Babes you were lucky I was CP. I was kept all busy with other things and was in the limelight. When I slip into shadows what you all gonna do? B😮

I will be anonymously operating and doing pure evil things going mu-fuckin-ha ha

But jokes aside, I’m just gonna chill and hang out with the cool people like Drumble, Pato, Ryan, Berserk, Rainy, Jakal and all. And ofcourse my efamily and friends. I’m gonna be on Drumble’s Dioist raDIO show soon, he has great taste in music. So we’re gonna do creative things like that and have positive fun and be happy. Yeah that’s all that I will do –snickers evil grin-


I wrote this quick cos everyone is pestering me to write one. Screw you if you felt this article was informal and unprofessional. My keyboard, I’ll type whatever I want : D Lighten up and grow a sense of humour. This is just a game. Don’t cry like somebody has died : s

Have fun, peace and live long,

Nyx Lynx

(The Queen Empress and President of ePakistan)


Mad shout out to my buddy The DarkKnight. (he will kill me if I don’t write this.) He was my D2 tag team pal, we used to own rounds and rule the wall, but b1tch left me for D4 :’( But we still win double BH : D This also reminds me of my other D1 buddy Arthur from 1896 who is still in D1 increasing strength.

My love to Shin Gouki who won like three rounds of D3 for me. Total tank hog lol