[CP] End of glorious 60 days. Thank you.

Day 2,325, 03:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

Hello eIreland,
I’m finally finishing my two terms as your President. I’m not saying finally because I didn’t enjoyed it, I really did, maybe I’m subjective but I don’t remember when eIreland was so influental and such a big contributor in eWorld’s events. I’m saying finally because I’m exhausted by the time, money and attention I’ve been giving to this game and our community this 60 days.

In the first mandat we’ve been working behind the curtains, I’ve focused all my attention to create special alliance, something what should work perfectly over some time. I was surprised myself how fast we’ve actually became almost perfect alliance. Of course I’m talking about Aurora. I believe our biggest achievement in this two months is actually establishing relations with so many great countries over the whole eWorld. It all started with creation of Aurora, continued with our AS on Slovenia and lasts until now when we’ve never had bigger eIreland in the whole eRepublik history.

After organising and preparing things in the first 30 days we was ready to start with some real action, to start something entertaining and to get us out of almost 2 years of boredom. eIreland was ready to fight. eIreland was ready to become what once was. Fighting nation always ready to help its allies. We’ve proved ourselves once again after long time. Every eIrish citizen who’s been contributing in this military events can be proud of himself. I’m proud on you all, on your dedication and loyalty to Republic.

We’ve (for some surprisingly) Airstriked Slovenia, I’ve expected us just to help Chile and have some fun for 2-3 days, but we’re there for 17 days already now, controlling more regions than we ever had, successfully defending our colonies. Waiting for another opportunity to help our ally, to do something useful and what’s most important - to have fun. Just take a look on the map and enjoy the sight.

I’m honoured to finish this 60 days and take some rest, hopefully newly elected President (whoever we elect) will continue in the same way, with smart fighting, contributing to our alliance and know how to appreciate what we’ve done so far. I’d like to thank all of you, no matter what party or MU you’re coming from for your support, except trolls who fail even in trolling I haven’t seen any complain about anything, which is just another sign we’ve finally managed to do something together. Having outside enemy makes us united, remember that for the future. We’re all here for our little community, our small, but proud country, we’re all here to do something useful, let’s not divide ourselves ever again. No matter who will be in charge.

eIreland, you’ve been great! It felt great to serve you. Now, let's make sure we're hell of an enemy to get rid of. I don't plan to leave European mainland and trust me it will be hard to kick us out of there.

I'd like to thank once again to our great allies who's been fighting with us and making all this possible. Thank you Chile, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Paraguay, Indonesia, Germany, Mexico, Brozil, Albania. Croatia, Switzerland and India! Hail Aurora!


Irish Forums: http://eireland.url.ph/
Irish IRC: #Eire (How to use IRC)
Irish FA on IRC: #Eire.FA

Stay strong, stay loyal, stay proud!

Don Croata, eIrish President