[CP] A letter to eCroatia

Day 2,255, 17:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bhane

Hello eCroatians, I’m writing today in the name of our old friendship. Maybe one of the oldest in the history of eWorld. We have always been loyal to each other, without question. We have always respected each other as enduring allies, regardless of any geopolitical situation. eCroatia has always been eIreland’s big brother. We do not want the close bond between our countries to be broken.

Recently, we’ve received sad news. Messages from the new eCroat government regarding the new alliance. It was not a surprise to see the eUK there, since we have been hearing rumours that the next alliance would be Croat/SPoland/UK. The United Kingom, our historical enemy, in the same alliance with our historical ally and friend? As shocking as that sounds on the face of it, the nation of eIreland has been preparing itself. Many have come to grips with the idea that the next big alliance would put eIre, and eUK on the same team.

We don’t ask for much, we realise that we can’t really decide what’s going to happen with eWorld. What we can do is count on friendship, as eIreland always has. Maybe we’re naive, but we have the opinion that respect and integrity counts in politics. In the months leading up to the next generation of alliances, we had the understanding from eCroatia that they would only join an alliance if eIreland was "on par" with the eUK. If eUK was a full member, then we would be a full member. If eUK is a founder, we would to be a founder. Hrcozgb has recently reversed this policy. No longer will eCroatia consider eIreland to be at least equal to the eUK. eCroatia now considers eIreland to be less than the eUK.

How would eCroatia feel if you saw us trying to found an alliance with eSerbia or eSlovenia? Considering our long friendship, it would hurt, no matter of our size and damage. Imagine how it is for us, when we’ve always considered you as our closest brothers. But now eCroatia seems to be helping our bully. If the eUK are raised above us in a new alliance hierarchy, that would establish an eUK command over eIreland. This would bring endless opportunities for the eBrits to revel in roleplaying the oppressor as “master over the Irish dregs.” eCroatia should not abide such a dynamic in any new alliance.

We have only one request. When making a new alliance, return to the “on par” policy regarding the eUK, and eIreland. We do not ask to be raised to founder status. But, if that is a position that the eUK will be hoisted to, then eCroatia should demand eIreland has an equal voice as a founder, too. If eCroatia desires the eUK to simply be members, then eIreland can join at that level alongside them. We do not ask for more respect than anyone, we ask for equal treatment as our long-time rival. On a singular level, we can go toe2toe with the eUK. We have proven to be more than a handful for their occupation attempts when the eUK does not have the full weight of an overmatched alliance aiding their side. eIreland has certainly earned on-par respect from eCroatia, we have always stood by you.

eIreland has always been loyal to its friends, and we’ll always stay that way. We know, or at least we knew who are our allies are, no matter of the balance in the world. eIreland has always stayed with you. Will eCroatia stay with us? I hope so. I would be befuddled if eCroatia would decide to push us away into an alliance against them.


President of eIreland,

Irish Prime Minister,
Don Croata

Croatian version (thanks Don Croata):

Pozdrav eHrvatima, ovaj članak pišem u ime našeg starog prijateljstva, možda jednog od najdugotrajnijih u ovoj igri. Uvijek smo jedni drugima bili odani, bez pitanja si pomagali. Uvijek smo poštovali jedni druge kao odlične saveznike, bez obzira na geopolitičku situaciju. eHrvatska je oduvijek irski veliki brat. Ne želimo pokvariti takve odlične odnose ni sada.

Nedavno smo mogli čitati tužne vijesti. Logovi i poruke nove eHrvatske Vlade, u kojima se govorilo o novim savezima. Nismo se iznenadili vidjevši eUK tamo, s obzirom da se i ranije pričalo o tome da će doći do saveza između Hrvatske, SPolanda i Britanaca.Velika Britanija, kao naš povijesni neprijatelj, u istome savezu kao naši najbolji saveznici i prijatelji? Koliko god nam je to čudno zvučalo mi smo se na to pripremali. Mnogi su i mislili da će doći do toga i da ćemo se naći sa UK u istom savezu.

Mi ne tražimo puno, shvaćamo da mi ne možemo odlučivati o velikim promjenama u eSvijetu, ali ono na što želimo računati je prijateljstvo, uvijek smo samo na to i računali. Možda smo naivni, ali uvijek smo smatrali da je poštovanje i integritet ono što se treba poštivati u politici. Vjerovali smo da će sa dolaskom novih saveza i naš put slijediti hrvatski, vjerovali smo da ćemo u tom novom savezu, s obzirom da ćemo ga djeliti sa Britancima imati jednak status, ipak smo ga zaslužili tokom svih ovih godina.

Kako bi se eHrvatska osjećala da smo mi pokušali napraviti savez sa eSrbijom ili eSlovenijom?
Uzimajući u obzir naše duge i odlične odnose, boljelo bi, bez obzira na našu veličinu i snagu. Zamislite kako je za nas vidjeti onakvu poruku kada eHrvatsku smatramo najvećim prijateljem u ovoj igri. Ako bi Velika Britanija uspostavila hijerarhiju u novom savezu, to bi značilo da bi oni imali prevlast i nad eIrskom, mi to ne smijemo dopustiti. eHrvatska ne smije propustiti uočiti ovakvu opasnost za svog saveznika.

Imamo samo jedan zahtjev. Kada se bude pravio novi savez, vratite se jednakoj politici prema Velikoj Birtaniji i Irskoj, mislim da to zaslužujemo. Ne tražimo status osnivača, ali tražimo da imamo jednak glas u savezu kao i Velika Britanija, sve drugo bi ugrožavalo naše interese. Ne tražimo poštovanja više nego što bi bilo dano drugima, tražimo jednakost.
Nebrojeno smo puta do sada dokazali da se možemo sa njima nositi 1 na 1, dokazali smo se sposobni osloboditi se od dugotrajne okupacije iako su oni na svojoj strani imali ogromnu premoć u damage-u. Irska je zaslužila jednak tretman i poštovanje od eHrvatske, jer mi smo uvijek bili za vas, baš kao i vi za nas.

eIrska je oduvijek odana svojim prijateljima i saveznicima, uvijek smo bili takvi. Znamo, ili se barem nadamo da znamo tko su naši saveznici, bez obzira na balans u igri. Irska je uvijek ostala sa vama. Hoće li eHrvatska ostati sa nama? Ne bismo htjeli da nas Hrvatska odluči pogurnuti na drugu stranu, u neki suprotni savez..