[CP] #1 Update - Operation Kill Bruce and Domestic Vaguness

Day 2,430, 16:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by Seanan

Citizens of Ireland,

Firstly, I apologize for the lack of updates - I've been overwhelmed in rl by tragic circumstances and that's all I want to say about it but this Friday I plan on meeting with all my Ministers to get back some cohesion. *ATTENTION MINISTERS - 8pm Irish Time / 20:00 eRep - Meeting on IRC*. If convenient, please come. If inconvenient, come anyway.

1) Operation Kill Bruce

aka CANADAAA!!!!
In my election campaign I said "War Games" with Canada. That was a strong reality when I got in-contact with the Canadian CP Bruce Lightninghands... and then the United Kingdom NE'd Canada. At first, I was a bit annoyed at the UK given the UK knew about my platform (sup BigAnt... you loveable tosser) but that soon progressed, a little bit like this;

Me: "Brucy, darling, I cherish our moments together and while our love is forbidden, please allow me to enter your regions... that UK chap is trying to cockblock me"
i.e. Newfoundland being the only common border between Ireland&UK with Canada, I asked permission to intervene to prevent the UK blocking our very public agenda.

Brucy: "I have talked to my girlfriends and they agree... I'm leaving you, my regions are solely for the UK now"
i.e. Bruce Lightning(fapfapfap)hands rejects my offer to intervene, stating the Canadian Congress believed they needed to focus on the UK (Later, our good friends in Canada let me know that our offer to intervene was never passed onto the Canadian Congress).

Obviously, I was heartbroken. We were moment away from starting the NE proposals on basically agreed terms and that such an agreement was vital for both our nation's success in the New World Cup Tournament... the sudden disregard and U-turn was annoying.

So in proper manly fashion, I cried and moaned to my Cabinet about my heartbreak... until one of those gossiping crows said something to MR. Padraig. Padraig, known for his compassion and understanding, proposed a Natural Enemy proposal against Canada.

After the UK torn through Brucy's region with no regard for his feelings and seeing the heartbroken Ireland sending moodish letters, Bruce Lightninghands (now called Kaminarinote) couldn't live with himself and wrote about 5 article (mostly in Chinese) about how he was ending it all...

And then the hot Canadians turned up. The Irish Congress was left to decide on the NE Proposal - some saw it as an annoyance proposal, some saw it as an opportunity to intervene like previously offered, some know this is a vague description - all I know, we're having a romp, the Canadian's don't mind, the Shield means it's going to be short lived as no point wasting a good Shield on a lack luster war, eventually it'll all end and TemujinBC is a butt.

2) Domestic Policies

I want to talk with all my Ministers before going into great detail about the behind the scenes work as I do not want to miss a detail.

But short thanks to Ian Arbuckle and the Department of Defence for the supplying effort for the Tournament. Thank you to the Army for setting COs to encourage our soldiers. My Foreign Affairs team for silently progressing our Ambassador Program and keeping Ireland represented in Aurora during my sketchy appearances. The Ministry of Community for coming up the Military Unit War! and organizing it literally over night for the Tournament.

And superb effort to the community for the 300% and 40th Ranking placing, enjoy 41th place UK zaaaaaaaa!

That's all for now,