^.^ Chesticles 09: Wall o' Text Edition ^.^

Day 501, 01:47 Published in USA USA by PrincessMedyPi

A note from your Princess: A long time ago, I promised you a corset. I promised you lulz. The time has finally come to unveil what we have called Sexy Lulz. I hope you enjoy.

In the last edition of A Timely Bitch, we examined the position of the Presidency in a general overview form. Today, we will examine some other pieces of the campaign puzzle. We begin with the position of the Vice Presidency.

The Vice President

As I outlined in a previous article, the Vice President is instrumental in the functioning of the executive branch by complementing the needs of the President and acting ultimately as a backup in the event of the ultimate need when the President cannot be reached. While they are unable to vote for laws, they serve as a strong voice in the leadership of the nation and are the trusted adviser of the President. So, people wonder...why Tiacha? Well, Miss Tiacha and I have been working as a collaborative team for months in our works in The Welcoming Committee and the Department of Education and kicking legislative booty in congress. We each have different worldviews but have found the capability to have a rapport and respect that crosses ideological lines. This has allowed a liberal hippie (me) to work with a fierce conservative (T) in a productive and efficeint manner for quite some time. Something that is constant between the two of us is our hardworking dilligence to make this nation function on a higher level, so while each of us has our strengths and weaknesses, we are always on the search for knowledge and suggestions from the people around us to help inform our decisions. We do not claim to be experts on anything in this game because the game itself is constantly changing. In each section below, we will address how we view policy in the eUSA...but first a disclaimer.


After playing the game for 9 months, I have noticed a trend that seems to happen during elections. Presidential candidates come out with the best laid plans, but ultimately are unable to enact them because the conditions in this eWorld change very rapidly. Both of us have mental flexibility and are able to troubleshoot the eWorld based on the given social conditions. In other words, we'll do make whatever decision is most logical, but that decision is ultimately conditional based on the situational context. As Tiacha and I have some basic beliefs on the workings of the game, we are not going to sit here and declare things we promise to do while in the White House. We see this as disingenuous and ultimately the path to destruction, as the public will later crucify the President and Vice President for not sticking to the plan they promised to follow once elected.

Citizen Affairs

We have a variety of programs in the eUSA that we have that help out citizens. We have the Department of Education and the Welcoming Committee. Under these two, falls Citizen Mentor Program and Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels is the only funded program we have in citizen affairs. The logic behind funding the Meals on Wheels program is that it is helpful and cost effective to provide citizens with food rather than paying for a higher citizen fee, which is lost to the many players who quit the game in the first few days. Furthermore, it directs them to friendly faces and allows them to get to know their fellow eMan a little better. We are very strong supporters of all of these programs because each of them help members navigate the first extremely confusing and overwhelming days of an eCitizen’s life.

This term we also help to finally bring the citizen exchange program to fruition. This program will allow both participating nations the ability to have citizens culturally immersed into foreign nations to help learn one another’s cultures and political procedures. This partnership can be extremely beneficial to each participating nation. For more information about this program, please contact PrincessMedyPi at princessmedypi@myucp.com


Both of us are extremely experienced congressional members. Both women worked together on the multipartisan ICCCR project during the two terms of its existence. PrincessMedyPi held the regional seat from its November inception until she stepped down to run for President. She has been named both the Most Efficient Congresswoman by former Speaker of the House ProggyPop and the Best Congresswoman by a poll of her peers. In her last term, PrincessMedyPi helped create a more efficient version of voting procedure with some of her peers. Tiacha is also extremely active. She recently took over the chair of the Congressional Oversight Committee, and is working towards getting more information from congress to the general populous of the eUSA.

The two of us are not strangers to congressional procedure and have a splendid rapport with congressional members. We are ready, willing, and able to appropriately communicate and work with congress to help guide the policy of this nation. We also look forward to helping pass through fun legislation like the National Boobie Preservation Society and the Reinstatement of the Department of Fun!

Economy & Statistical Analysis

The very first thing to note about the economy is that for all intensive purposes, congress controls taxes. On April 4th, the data collection for PANEC is supposed to take place. From this day, congress is going to review PANEC and create a new course of procedure based on the outcomes of this plan. We will be there to participate in the discussions and advocate for the change that is ultimately more beneficial to the American populous. During this term, we will try to return to the gold/usd ratio that has made us so happy in the past: .016. We have been slowly creeping up, and it is time to bring it back down. As it has successfully in the past, monetary market exchange will rest in the hands of an appointed economic guru. We are also interested in efficiency and data mining! As we are in the process of making many changes to this nation, we plan to use the help of the wonderful members of SADD to help inform our decisions on policy. We have a few new ideas up our sleeves...but we don’t want to let the cat out of the bag just yet 😃

MedyPi on Foreign Policy and the Military

If there is one thing in the game that it can be said I possess, it’s my ability to socially network with members from every nation around the world. I am a person who is well equipped to handle negotiations and develop rapport with almost any nation. That is what brought me to the eUSA in the first place. I was socially networking to buy weapons, and the Lord of War I was introduced to was none other than who was at that time Presidential Nominee Benn Dover. Once he won his Presidential seat and I lost my race, he persuaded me to come to the eUSA as part of his promise to bring wimminz to America. From the moment I arrived, I was thrown into the world of eUSA politics, which has barred me from participating in kick ass traveling military operations (aka the Marines).

Why was example important? I had been living in eTurkey for almost 3 months at the time I met Benn, so I had been familiar with and friends with many PEACE nations and their citizens. Upon my entry to the Americas, I expected to be somewhat shunned in American politics for my ties to PEACE. However, I was almost immediately accepted by the sausagefest that was eAmerica at that time. I was able to keep my PEACE contacts while expanding my list of influential friends to include members of Atlantis, without people looking at me like some creepy spy. I have served on the Select Committee for Intelligence since it’s inception, be it as a congresswoman or a Vice President, and this access has allowed me to conceptualize and be somewhat in the loop on the issues that our intelligence and military operatives face on a daily basis.

In the past, I typically shied away from war for two reasons: 1) lack of time; 2) bad taste in my mouth from previous operations gone awry, which made my cynically analyze almost any future war endeavors. Right after I moved to the eUSA, I became a member of congress. I remained the congresswoman of Alaska until I decided not to run this month, but I then became Party President. These positions prohibited me from becoming one bad ass Marine. When combined with my overburdened work schedule, I knew I could never put the time or effort into fully navigating or dedicating myself to the American Military.

Staying on the outside of the issue allowed me to observe some behavior. As the executive branch is often held accountable and ultimately responsible for the outcomes of wars, they hold a vested interest in overseeing operations. However, when you combine this outcome with a military full of passionate personnel, sparks are sure to fly often. Although both parties have an interest in the outcomes of the nation, they are typically operating with different motivations. As such, their approaches to almost anything can be vastly different. While most people see me as a weak candidate, I have been one person who has been putting forth a concerted effort to understand the wants and needs of the different branches of the military and how they support the structure of both the military and the security of the eUSA. I am approaching this in a respectful, curious manner because I genuinely believe that the lines of communication need to be opened to help prevent the problems of terms past.

As such, I have put more time and effort into conceptualizing the considerations of both resistance war games and real war. Each have their own sets of risks, benefits, and intrinsic rewards. Resistance wars are a tricky business. You are either allowing benefits to be gained by both the enemy and home nation, or you are cutting off trade and violating treaty. It causes some pause when one considers how this can go terribly sideways, but on the flip-side, you have all out war. It is dangerous, it is unpredictable, but it is penguin bowling fun. Once again you are faced with the reality of allowing the strengthening of your enemy.

War is an extremely precise and timely issue. Discussing any type of policy about war in the open or any ideas I have kicking around in my head makes the implementation of such things a moot point. Not only is secrecy an issue, but what may be good one day may be a terrible idea the next. This is why it is crucial for the President to work with the military to create a cohesive strategy that makes the most sense for the future of eAmerica. Rest assured that I am going to allow you to have war. I have always seen that that is an economic necessity, but recently I have found that war is a fun business. I have been bitten by the fighting bug and became a crack fiend itching for more RAWR.

Proving the Naysayers Wrong: Tiacha on the Military

There have been many in the media who have pointed fingers at Medy and I about not being able to run a strong military. Some have pointed fingers at Medy, saying she should have picked a military man as her VP over a political type like me. But, when I took my two month hiatus from Congress from Christmas until the end of February, I enrolled in the Marines. As a marine, I learned a lot about how the military runs in this nation. As such, I learned some of the strengths and weaknesses the military has. In doing so, I hope to present a clear outline on how Medy and I will work with the military to improve the prosperity of our nation. Most of the economics in eRep is based on war. As such, Medy and I understand the importance of a strong military. Only through strong communication between our administration and military officials can the eUS military grow into one of the strongest in the eWorld. Medy and I believe that the foundation of a successful military rests via communication. That’s why the central theme of our administration’s military policy is communication.

Throughout my career in the military, I always heard a few of the same complaints from soldiers.
1. Why didn’t I know about that battle? My commanding officer never told me.
2. Why didn’t I get weapons for that battle? Why do others get weapons over me?

Address question one means looking at the leadership of our military. As a whole, current military leadership has done a great job trying to improve the communication between officers and soldiers. I’d like to commend to work of Commandant Eugene Harlot in this area. The creation of the eUS military forum was a great step in the right direction. Yet, there still remains three problems in the area of communication within the military.

a. Inept platoon sergeants. This is a major problem within all branches of the military. People volunteer to be platoon sergeants just to get something to add to their resume, and then disappear. Thus, many soldiers do not get orders or do not think to check the forums for information they so desperately need. Therefore, under a Medy/Tiacha administration, there would be more pressure on superior officers to make sure their platoon sergeants are active. Really, platoon sergeants are the heart of the eUS military. They are the first people soldiers turn to for information. If they are not active, the entire military will fail. Let’s fix the problem from the ground up.

b. IRC elitism. While I realize that the forums are used to communicate orders, I’ve noticed that if you are not in IRC at the right time, particularly within the Marines, you’ll not get information about battles because of time constraints. There are many RWs and overseas missions that the Marines fight in often. Is it fair that some Marines get to fight over others, increasing their rank just because they were in IRC at the right time? I know sometimes officers do not know of these battles until the last minute, but this is why communication between the administration and military personnel is paramount. Within a Medy/ Tiacha administration, military officers will know of overseas operations ASAP so as many Marines can be shipped as humanly possible.

c. Communication between the President and the QMG. Particularly within the last month, I know I was constantly asking former QMG Gates Schillinger whether or not “this branch” or “this branch” would be funded “battle a”. It is a constant particularly among officers sometimes whether or not their platoon or company will get weapons for whatever battle. This needs to stop. Officers and soldiers have the right to know whether or not they will be getting weapons for any engagement we, as a nation, enter in BEFORE the battle starts. This requires clear communication between the President, QMG, and now Congress since more and more budget allocation is falling in their hands via the creation of the Congressional Budget organization. Within a Medy/Tiacha administration, communication is a strong point. Both Medy and I already have a strong relationship with Congress which will ensure that funds come quickly from the Congressional budget organization to the QMG. The problem of weapons, which has previously been a mystery, will no longer be a mystery within a Medy/ Tiacha administration.

Looking at the issue of weapons, brings us back to the second question I always get from soldiers: Why didn’t I get weapons for a particular battle? Why did others get weapons over me?

Under a Medy/ Tiacha administration, there will be a greater effort (within reason given the budget situation at that moment) to fund all branches of the military, rather than just the Marines. With the recent creation of government run weapons companies under the administration of Nonesuch, it gives us greater freedom to have the ability to fund all branches for more battles. Even though I’m personally against government run companies, their creation has allowed us to better fund our soldiers, which is a good thing.

Also, under a Medy/Tiacha administration, there will be more of an effort to involve the army in overseas operations. Right now, the army is what I’d like to call “The Forgotten Branch”. If we get these soldiers involved in more missions, we’ll only increase the strength of our military as whole. The army has asked for more missions, and the Medy/Tiacha administration will answer the call.

War Games are imperative when it comes to helping improve our economy as well as the base rank of our citizens. There will be more of an effort to continue war games with Baja as well as other willing allies within a Medy/Tiacha administration. War Games are one of the best ways to improve our economy, so why ignore an economic stimulus---embrace it!

We realize this was a srs wall of text, but we felt it was necessary to explain ourselves in a somewhat thorough manner.
For Multipartisanship, Unity, and LULZ. Vote PrincessMedyPi/ Tiacha on April 5th!