[CDoE] Tutorial: Your First Day in Erepublik - Part 1[Day 1674]

Day 1,674, 18:15 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks,

This First tutorial will teach the newest of the new citizens how to get started in the new world.

Chapter 1: An Overview of what you will see

The following is a brief explanation of the important things you will see on your first day.

This above is what you will see in the top left corner of the page you will be directed to after login. You can get to that page by clicking on the House shaped button on the main navigation bar. We will focus more on this later on in the article.

This part of the main page is where you will find your daily tasks as well as the current campaign of the day. Later on in game, you will also find your Military Unit's Daily Orders there.

This is the game's Navigation Bar. This will allow you to access many important pages on this site.

This is where you will see a summary of your current experience level, experience progress towards next level, wellness, how much currency you possess, your current missions, your inbox, and your notifications.

Chapter 2: Starting the tutorial - Training

To start the tutorial, click on "Train"

Underneath the word "Train" on the top of the table, you will see an outline of a head. If it is not black, Click on it. Once you do, it will turn black, and you can click on the green "Train" button. If it is already black, simply click on the green button.

This is the page that shows up after you have finished training. It displays how much strength experience you have gained, and how much exp remains until your first Super Soldier Medal.

A Super Soldier Medal is a medal rewarded to the player every time he/she gains 250 strength experience. As a reward, you are given 5 Gold.

Chapter 3: Fighting your First Fight.

The next stop on your journey is to fight in your first battle! To start, click on "Fight"

After clicking on it, you will be given a list of campaigns. The first one is the Campaign of the day, the rest are campaigns of our allies. It is best to choose a fight that Canada is participating in if at all possible.

When you have chosen a battle, click fight.

If you have joined the war after your division has won the last battle, you must wait until all other divisions are finished of the battle before a new one can commence.

When the countdown is over, you can click "Next Battle"

This is the battle page, This is where you will wage combat against the enemy. Some will argue that this is the most important aspect of the game. to battle click on "Fight".

Once you are out of wellness, you may "Eat". By eating the food you have in your inventory, you will gain more wellness.

By now you will have probably ranked up. This means your military rank has leveled up by one. As a reward, you will receive what is called an "Energy Bar". Each Energy Bar allows you to gain 100 wellness that doesn't count towards you regeneration limit. Another reward for ranking up is gaining 5% more damage per hit.

As well as ranking up, you will have also leveled up. As a reward for leveling up, you have received 1 gold.

If you do not posses any Energy bars, and you are out of wellness, DO NOT buy any of these. They are a severe waste of Gold. Instead, wait until you can gain more wellness.

While you are fighting, you will undoubtedly run into these. These are Bazooka parts. They are used to assemble weapons called, you've guessed it, Bazookas.

If you check your inventory, you will find the number of bazooka parts you posses, and can assemble them when your collection is complete, however, You can only assemble them once you have reached 150 Strength points.

You may, if you wish, continue fighting. However it is highly recommended that you save 1 Energy Bar for the next part of this tutorial.

Chapter 4: Working

Once you are done fighting, click on "Work"

When you click it, you will be directed to this page. As you will notice, you will need to find a job. Click on "Get a Job".

This is the job market. On this list you will find many jobs. Choose the best paying job, and click "apply".

Once you have found a job, click work.

Like training, when you are done working, you will see how much Currency you have earned by working, and how many days remain until your Hard Worker Medal. Like the Super Soldier Medal, you will receive 5 Gold as a reward for working 30 days.

After working for your employer, you can work for yourself. Click on the white outlines of heads until they are all black, and click work.

You will then see what items you have produced for yourself.

Chapter 5: Completing your Daily Tasks

The last Part of your in game tutorial is to complete your daily tasks. To start, click on "Complete Daily Tasks"

When you click on it, you will be reverted back to the main page. Click on the green 'Get reward" button and you will receive the reward.

This pop up tells you what your reward is (+1 exp and +1 strength point) and also tells you how many days are left until you receive your bonus. The bonus can only be achieved by completing the daily tasks 5 days In a row.

Even though your tutorial bar will have disappeared by now, you are far from finished your first day. Part two of this tutorial can be found by clicking here.