**Breaking**: Hungarian Counteroffensive (Updated)

Day 470, 10:40 Published in USA USA by Citizen Dru

SZEGED, Romanian Occupied Territory –— As of 10:00 eRT, Hungarian armed forces launched a two-fronted attack to reclaim the Romanian-occupied regions of Southern Transdanubia and the Southern Great Plain. Their relatively inexperienced army has met stiff Romanian resistance, but the battle is only in its initial stages.

The timing of this move on the part of the Hungarian General Staff is interesting, as Romania and Indonesia sit poised for battle in the Far East at Xinjiang. It remains unclear whether Indonesia and Hungary are coordinating their efforts, or whether the Hungarians have independently sought to take advantage of Romania's tense international situation. Romanians armed forces are also engaged in a self-started training war in Subcarpathia.

This relates to the eUSA in the sense that the US retains formal obligations to aid Romania under the Treaty of ATLANTIS framework. Its actual commitments to the ATLANTIS organization, however, have come into question recently, due to diplomatic conflicts between signatory states, and vocal ATLANTIS criticism of recent American involvements in Mexico.

More forthcoming.


Mar. 5, 2009. 22:00 eRT

HÓDMEZÖVÁSÁRHELY, Romanian-Occupied Hungary — After the sound defeat of the initial Hungarian counterassault on Romanian forces in Transdanubia and the Southern Great Plain, the undaunted Hungarian "Magyar Honvédség" immediately launched a second flanking assault, once again driving toward the Southern Great Plain. Twelve hours into this second attack, Hungarian forces have made no further progress in their goal to retake the territory from the better equipped and trained Romanian army.

The timing of this determined renewal of the Hungarian assault, amidst worldwide presidential elections, once again raises questions with regard to Hungary's motives. Romania and Indonesia remain in a stand-off in the Far East. Whether Hungary's failed but determined efforts to attack Romania on its western front will effect Romania's overall preparedness vis-à-vis Indonesia is an open question.

Hungarian irredentists seem to hope to exploit Romania's precarious situation to regain their occupied lands. Romanian forces have nevertheless displayed a striking resilience, yielding little to the Hungarian assaults. Should war with Indonesia in the Far East soon commence, as many observers expect, Romania's ability to fight a two-front war in both Central Europe and their colonial holdings in occupied Russia and China will be put to the test.
