(Book update)Im thinking i made just a little bit of progress...

Day 1,897, 14:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Novarefuge
I will go through and edit this to my liking later, but i have writers block right now, so i decided to share my current creations.

Prequel chapter:A light on the black.

Canus, in the Cornucopia system.
Well known by the locals, the colonies and even the key worlds themselves as a planet more farm than dirt, Canus is 85% land with aquifers full of what remains of the water that used to cover the entire surface of the planet, home to over a million miles of prime arable, and what isn't the genetically modified crop, or the unforgiving sea, boiling with the heat released from the planets molten insides, is nature reserves, jungles full of earthen species, alien species, and even some species that are local, all in the twilight caused by the great Urrn'ak trees, local themselves to the world Idilicy, or in the crystal lined caves that seemed to glow with positive energy.
The most notable thing about planet Canus, in the year 2487, was not the abundance of genetically modified crop plants, or the awe inspiring caves, or the wet, wild and dangerous jungle, or the 10 mile wide geothermal station on the equator.
No, the most notable thing about the planet at the time, was the fact that all of this was on fire.

Prequel chapter: Over a pint.
City of Sozai, planet Canus

Some of the most notorious great ideas in the universe have been had over a pint of beer at the local watering hole, from science, to religion, to the more unknowable than any other, the realm of politics.
The man sitting in booth 3, of a remarkably brown colored, dusty and old fashioned pub, with the wooden pillars sticking into the floor, and reliving the ceilings burden, and the man with that little bowler hat of his, was one of the ones who had decided to talk about politics, this time, he chose a larger, its pretty much all they serve in the colonies.
He started looking around the room, nervously, as if it were filled with wasps, after he was confident that the room was indeed free of any hive-minded creatures, he swallowed hard and made a little sucking noise with his mouth.
A man who was leaning on the corner of booth 4 drifted over noiselessly, like a shadow, on a path that was seemingly going past the booth, but as he crossed the entrance, he suddenly flung himself upon the leather seat, as if he had suddenly become magnetized, stuck bolt upright in the chair,
This man, whose own personal quirky feature was a leather jacket dyed blue, stared into bowler mans eyes for a second, and then he opened his mouth.
"What is it Omache, i told you not to speak of this again"
Quickly finishing the larger, Omache hurriedly replied with
"Have you seen the latest Canus.net news post?"
Reaching for his "Chip" a thin, holographic smart phone, Leather man just said "I'm about to" switched to retina play mode, and started reading.
Surprise, fear and glee all passed over his face as he read the news, looking back on the event, he decided it was fear.
"They are moving the entire armory!" a lot louder than intended, drawing looks from the other patrons, who were, without a shadow of a doubt, honest, hardworking, law abiding citizens who didn't want there government gone.
"Not so loud Yusaen, this requires utmost secrecy"
Still mildly blushing, Yusaen leant forwards in his chair, the wooden legs creaking as he did so, and his arms folded on the table, bringing him even closer to Omaches face "What are you planning Omache"
With mild fear brought on by the glare send towards him by Yusaen, Omache leant backwards, the chair scratching the floor as he did so, and managed to start the words coming out of his mouth before Yusaen could burn through him.
"W-well, it passes through vent t-territory" he managed to dribble out
"Well, explosive depressurization happens all the time, right?"
"I think i can see where you are going with this"
"If we plant an explosive just under the ground, we could release enough pressure to disable the entire convoy"
"Where as that is a great plan in theory Omache, where would we get the explosives from?"
"Well, we wou..."
Yusaen cut him off mid sentence, pressure building in his voice.
"And more importantly, what would we do once we have damaged billions of dollars of Crown property? I don't take it as a habit to tie my own noose"
Seeming to be on the hunt for wasps again, Omache looked around the room, once again confident no one was paying attention, he lifted what he had in his hand
Barely managing a whisper from shock, Yusaen breathed "A honest to god TDC, right in our hands"
Smiling at the reference to 'our', Omache whispered, almost to himself
"And as to your other question, we will take it"
"But how"
"Booths 8,2,3 and 5 are full of our supporters"
Yusaen looked inside those booths, every single last one was filled to the last chair by strong looking men, and spare chairs had to be pulled up from other booths still for all the men to fit, some of them looked over, and a few waved.
"If we can pull this off..." He was interrupted by Omache, who said
"WHEN we pull this off, we will have enough weapons to arm the entirety of Sozai, and all of its farms"
"We could start a revolution"
"No, we couldn't"
Yusaen looked at Omache as if he had suddenly transformed into an alien.
"What do you mean by that, old friend?"
"What i mean by that Yusaen, my old friend, is that the revolution has already begun"
Sliding back on his chair, and once again scratching the floor, Omache stood up, drawing a glare from the bartender, who walked over and shouted in Omaches ear
"Hey Jacob, scratch that floor ONCE more, and my boot is going so far up your ass that you would wish i had invested in fluid chairs, instead of having to repair my floor every time some jerk like you comes in here, and just treats my objects like they belong to you!"
The steam coming off of the bartender was almost visible, but Omache was not fazed, he simply replied with
"Well terrance, if you shove your boot up my ass, I'm only getting a free shoe" drawing a lot of laughter from the nearby booths, and even some of the more observent people, most of which were in the booths that were part of the armory raid plan, Yusaen was happy to notice.
A lot less angry, and a great deal more embarrassed, Terrence responded, yet again loudly, with "For the last time Jacob, its Terry, not Terrence, or T-Dawg"
Wiping his mouth to remove the moisture, Omache simply asked "Have you got any larger left "Terry", I'm awfully thirsty, on a day as hot as this"
Yusaen hadn't noticed the heat up until Omache mentioned it, heat builds pressure on the vents, the armory guards could not have picked a more convenient day.
"Well Jacob, we got a new import of millennium wine, all the way from earth" This statement alone gained a lot of Ooooohs from the other booths, but Terry wasn't finished yet
"We also got whiskey, cider, vodka and sunlight, all from our friends the pirates, but unfortunately, they didn't get any larger"
Hiding his disappointment well, Omache ordered a cider, drank it quickly, and beckoned for Yuesaen to step come outside, the sun was shining so bright that he couldn't see outside, but he knew where they were going, since about 50 other chairs squeaked along the ground as they neared the door, the chairs of the other ambushers, Yusaen stepped out into the sunlight, and saw an alien.

You are probably thinking that this is an anomaly, a once in a lifetime sight, but Canus is a colony world, unlike Earth, and is multicultural to such extremes that multiples species live on it.
Whereas some areas of the planet are more frequented by the higher population of humans, due to it being a human colony, aliens from multiple worlds and ways of life live on the planet, such as the Marri'sk(Pronounced Mar-ice-siq) a low population, and reclusive species from planet Marrkumar, or the X'qual(Exuhal), a high population, warrior species from the planet Luax, a insect-like species, with chitinous skin, fingers that end in claws(along with having only 4 fingers), and on some of the higher breeds of X'qual, wings.
One of these creatures was standing in front of Yusaen, a winged variety, but unfortunately for the ambush crew, he was seething with rage.
Yusaen noticed a hole in one of its wings, burned scar tissue at the sides indicating focused laser fire, probably from a sniper rifle, to be damaged permanently is a major disgrace for an X'qual, and can only be redeemed by slaughtering an equal number of foes to the value of your status, and the severity of the injury, from the width of the hole, and the turquoise coloration of its skin plates, indicating a royal servant, Yusaen guessed that this alien would have to kill hundreds to earn his place at the side of the queen, they are a monarchy, not a hive mind, so the way that they get the kills is regardless, and from the smile that this alien directed towards Omache, Yusaen guessed who had caused this alien the injury, and who would be on the receiving end of those claws, and almost smiled from the pure unfairness of the situation.

"O-Mahe my friend, ist good to see you again, especially under these circumstances" the forked tongue of the alien adding a small hiss to the end of each word.
"I could say the same towards you, Mu'ke'am, our mutual enemies will be nothing but dust on the wind after the plan is complete"
Omache looked around, and saw that Yusaen and his other comradés had exited the building, but he mostly focused on Yusaen, who was almost a brother to him at this point in the friendship, and like all brothers, they all find something to dislike, such as Omache hating the way that Yusaen's hair had grown to extreme length, whereas his own could barely get longer than 4 inches, or the way that he was an entire foot shorter than Yusaen.
Mu'ke interrupted his thoughts by hissing another sentence
"Yess, O-mahe, i am confident in your ability to grant me my redemption" if the X'qual could smile, Mu'ke was doing it.
"As am i, with your ability to grant us our victory, Mu'ke'am"
Omache hated the fact that the X'qual insisted on using formal names in every sentence,but he had to be on good terms with the plate face, if he wanted his plan to succeed.
My advantage over Yusaen, Omache thought, is that i am smarter than him.
He smiled, and looked over to Yusaen, who looked confused.
Mu'ke pulled out a steak of some alien meat, that undoubtedly tasted like chicken to humans, due to the galactic laws of taste.
"O-Mahe, do you mind if i eat in your presencee?" Omache held a questioning frown for a second, and then remembered that X'qual had to ask permission to perform certain actions in front of their superiors, and then nodded whilst smiling, because he had earned the trust of the alien to such a degree that it considered him a superior, at least for the time being.
"Whatt Omache?"
Omache recalled that Mu'ke had spent most of his life living on Luax, and was not familiar with human non-verbal speech, just as Omache got confused whenever Mu'ke rubbed his claws against his palms.
"Yes, Mu'ke, you may eat in my presence, you have earned the right"
It felt wrong speaking like he was superior, but it is the way that it... no, he expects to be spoken to, so he shall speak to him like it.
"Thank you, Ravua Omache" came as a hiss from Mu'ke, before he started grinding the meat between his powerful jaws.
Omache made a mental to ask what Ravua meant later, but right now, Mu'ke was enjoying his meat, and it is impolite to interrupt a X'qual whilst they are eating, unless it is under the premise of combat, in which case they will just go and eat on the battlefield, both men and women alike, because even though they are warlike, the X'qual believe in equality.
A reflected light shone on the road, and headed towards the chrome colored cantina, that Terrence had done a good job of adding an earthen feel too.
As the vehicle got closer, Omache noticed that it was more than one vehicle, and as it drew unto the tarmac parking ground that they were standing on, Omache confirmed that they were the transports.
Moving next to the second from front of the four vehicles, the smallest one, Omache shouted "Command structure, in here, everyone else, spread out in the other vehicles"
He spotted Yusaen moving towards one of the other vehicles, and shouted louder
"Command structure, in here, that includes you, Yusaen"
Yusaen ducked into the vehicle, followed by Mu'ke, who had to fold in his wings to enter.
Once everyone else had gotten into the correct transports, Omache gave the order to head to the designated location, which all of the drivers had received beforehand, and then got in the vehicle for himself.
Taking one last look outside, at the last of suburban Sozai he would be seeing for a long while, Omache saw the ducks that aren't ducks in the canal running next to the cantina, the steel outer walls of the cantina itself, the children running to the school, doubtlessly late now that it is 10 am, the elderly and poor shuffling along, minding there own business, Omache thought about how much better things would be once he had finished, and how happy little Emily would be, once the planet is free.
The door then closed, blocking his view of the outside world, and drove home the fact that unless he won, he would never be seeing this place again.

Chapter one:A plan unfolded.
In a truck, headed to the steam vent fields.
11 am.

Yusaen was puzzled as to why Terrence had came with them, he didn't strike him as the rebelling type, but if there was anyone who could calm his nerves, it was his favorite bartender, making jokes and shouting at customers in that deep voice of his, but also noticing when someone was in need of a drink, such as when Katie had been sent off-world to fight the "Redhorns" on Stipi, just one look at him, and Terry had given him the strongest drink anywhere on the colony, a 'crescent moon', technically illegal because it shuts down your emotion for a short time, and gives temporary blindness if you drink too much, and even though he was too drunk to remember anything, Yusaen remembered that night, not only because his favorite black barman had shown kindness, as he did frequently because of the high amount of people who's families were being enlisted by law, due to the war with the "Redhorns", but also because it was the night that Omache had took him out of a ditch, cleaned him up, and together they increased each-others hatred of the Crown, to such an extent that Omache had started plotting a rebellion, a plan that had took 3 years to come to fruition, but a plan that was on its way now, and a plan that Yusaen was running with the tide of.
As for the fourth member of the command crew, Yusaen didn't much anything of Mu'ke other than his species name, and his home planet, and the fact that his turquoise plates marked him out as high up in the monarchy of the home world.
The only two other things he knew of him, the two most important, are that he has a burning hatred for the Crown, and he and Omache have some kind of deal he hasn't been told about.
As Omache opened his mouth, Yusaen imagined he was about to learn about the plan, and probably the deal too.
"Alright, none of you, but me of course, know the entirety of the plan, so i expect that you would like to know?"
Terry nodded, and Yusaen did the same, and Mu'ke attempted a nod that looked more like he was imitating a pigeon.
"Starting with the Thermal Detonation Charge, we will plant it at this point here" He pointed to a rather inconspicuous steam vent on the map, that had no remarkable features
"According to recent investigations, this steam vent is a lot more powerful than it says on the map, containing 200 on the pressure scale, rather than the previously marked 50"
Yusaen whistled approvingly, 50 pressure on a steam vent is enough to move a tank, so 200 would be able to send an entire convoy flying without effort.
"After the device has detonated, and the convoy sent into disarray, Mu'ke will go after the still moving vehicles, and kill or disable the occupants, whereas we will go to the disabled vehicles, and do the same, in the event that all vehicles are disabled, Mu'ke will join us in clearing out the downed vehicles."
Mu'ke seemed pleased with the opportunity for dealing death, and even though he would be alone, Yusaen felt that a highly trained, armor plated, heavily armed alien could take out a few dazed passengers and crew members.
"After that, we put out any fires we have caused, put the wreckage of the vehicles on tow, drag them into a nearby ditch, and secure all the weapons, before driving to the warehouse Here..." he pointed to another part of the map
"...curing any burns we may sustain from the combat, and await the rest of the rebellion to show up"
Everyone but Mu'ke and Omache looked surprised, and Mu'ke was probably feeling surprised.
"Whadda you mean the rest of the rebellion?" Terry asked.
"The rest of the rebellion that we have spent years inciting, and the rest of the rebellion we will be taking Uannis fortress with"
"How many rebels do we actually have" Yusaen questioned.
Yusaen was feeling good about his chances, that is 20% of the entire population of the continent, and they will all be armed, against military police who have suddenly been disarmed, who might even turn sides and fight against the military force that will undoubtedly come short staffed.
He was visibly smiling, and Omache looked at him and smiled back
"Now you see why i chose this time to bring the plan forward, along with the rebellion that has started on Tymmios"
"A rebellion on Tymmios?, thats only a system away!"
"Yes Yusaen, that is where we got the TDC from, factory planets are remarkably good at rebellion"
"Two planets rebelling at the same time, right next to each other, and who knows how many others out there that are rebelling, i think that the military would be too thinly spread out to resist"
"My only problem is that we would have to kill fellow humans, for the first time in four hundred years, and you know how it turned out last time we killed out fellow men" Everyone looked towards Terry.
Yusaen remembered history class, and the stories of how the communists and the democrats, america, england,china and russia specifically, all made orbital lasers and made earth unlivable for a hundred years.
"We have no choice Terry, we can either live in fear, or live free" Omache was good with inspirational statements like this.
"We just need to be careful of what we do, that is all, only kill what is necessary, and not a single life more, otherwise there will be bad consequences, worse than the ones there will be if we fail" Terry was pretty good at it too.
Omache opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the driver, who said over the intercom
"Speaking of being careful, we almost drove over a steam vent.
Oh, and we are there, by the way sir"
"Very good" Omache started to get up, was beaten to it by Terry, but Yusaen reached the door first, Yusaen grabbed the handle and felt a sharp chill on his fingers suddenly,it must be cold outside,
"Aww come on, the one day its cold ouside..."
"Its not cold outside Yusaen, the doors are refrigerated" Terry informed.
"To keep the plants that are supposed to be in here nice and cold."
Looking embarrassed, Yusaen opened the door, stepped outside, and simply said
"Well, lets get to work"

With less than 15 minutes remaining until the convoy was supposedly passing through, a lot of work had to be done in a short time.
The first order was digging a hole for the Thermal Detonation Charge, a hole deep enough so that when it is covered the charge is unnoticeable, but also making it shallow enough that it doesn't release the pressure of the steam pre detonation, and can still be triggered via microwaves without interference.
Putting spade to dirt is what the colonists are used to doing, so the job is finished quite fast, and the TDC is planted without error.
Now with only ten minutes remaining, and a foot deep hole with an explosive at the bottom, it is time for the colonists to find their positions.
With weapons supplied by Mu'ke, as well as others that have been passed down all the way from earth, the colonists hid on a bushed hill.
"Soon out enemies will be slipping in their own gore" Mu'ke said, without being addressed.
"There shall be more to come, but the most important thing right here is the weapons, understand?" Yusaen realized afterwards that this might not have been the diplomatic thing to say, but luckily, Mu'ke just attempted one of his pigeon nods again.
"Yes, we can peck the enemy to death" Yusean spun around and looked at the colonist who had said it, he looked middle aged, 5.9 foot tall, and he seemed to have an ashy quality about him, so Yusaen guessed he worked at the geothermal plant, and from what Yusaen knew, they almost gave extra pay for racism.
Omache, noticing the situation, walked over and tried to smooth it out by saying "Mu'ke is an excellent warrior, and has supplied the weapons we shall be using on the raid, he is here on a quest of honor, and will be accepted as one of us until he chooses to leave" Taking another breath, Omache continued "Did you get all of that, Grendale?"
The apparent Grendale just nodded, but not a pigeon nod, whilst saying
"Yes sir, i got it sir" and then continued back to his own bush.
"Well, now we wait" came from somewhere in the bushes.
Luckily, or unluckily for the colonist, the wait took no longer than 5 seconds, as the glint of the convoy could be seen reflecting the midday sun.
Omache, Mu'ke and Terrence were all looking at the glint on the horizon, whereas Yusaen himself was looking at the faces of his comrades, and was at competition with Omache to say
"Alright, time to take cover"
The convoy rumbled closer.