Day 424, 14:00 Published in Spain Spain by Gobierno de Espana SO
El mensaje a continuación va dirigido a todo ciuadadano extranjero, de ATLANTIS que ayer vino en nuestra ayuda (y defendió campeche) así como los que hoy han venido (creyendo que han de defender Campeche). Lamento repetir otro Boletin pero creo que es necesario que todos nuestros amigos extranjeros sepan donde han de pelear esta vez

Dear foreign friends of Spain,

I write this buletin to let you all know that you must fight on resistance side, so that The Southeast can be given back to Mexico in a pacific way. This resistance war was approved by both the Spanish and Mexican governement.

You might be confused, but we now beg you all to fight on resistance side. The resistance war from yesterday was illegal.

The legal official resistance war is the one is taking place right now, started by Anonimux (President of Spain).

You can access the battle with a quick click over here:


Thanks for your help.

President of Spain

RESISTANCE, not defenders.