~Australia, We Will Win~

Day 355, 00:16 Published in USA USA by Benn Dover

America, Australia, Soldiers, Citizens of eRepublik, I do not know where to begin expressing my feelings. I feel exhausted, but wanting for more. I feel organized, but internationally unorganized. I feel proud of my soldiers, but incomplete towards our alliance. PEACE has prevailed in this long-awaited for battle of epic portions. While many of you ask "what now", many of you ask "why?".

To answer the former- regroup. We need to reorganize and plan our next attack. Australia WILL overcome. Soldiers, come back home.

To answer the latter- for national pride, for international pride, for alliance pride; for courtesy, respect, empathy towards those who have lost, sympathy for your brethren; for GLORY.

Even though a lack of organization may be the ultimate collapse of this war, a lack of pride was never questioned. We will regroup, rebuild, and finally retry. Mistakes were made, experience was gained, wisdom was wrought, success is inevitable. Organization will not be a factor in Round Three.

The countries that have witnessed how close we came to tearing down this wall will once again work as a team and prevail over the Indonesians and PEACE. Pro-Australians- Keep your heads high. Don't give up. Surge through the pain, get back up like the Phoenixes you are, and fight back.

Atlantis will prevail over the unsympathetic PEACE nations, Australia will win.

Congratulations are for the successful. Regards are for the deserving.

Highest Regards,
Benn Dover
President of the eUnited States of America