[Asuka's FP and Staff] Divided, We Stand

Day 2,872, 20:11 Published in USA USA by Dio Soryu

Sorry it's taken so long to get this out, I'm just starting a new job and have been spending my free-time trying to put the pieces together, so there just hasn't been time to put pen to paper.

Firstly, I want to talk about Foreign Policy.

This is not a subject I, myself, am particularly strong on but after having talked to my Secretary of State pick I can fill you in on our general aim this month. I feel like America has walled itself into an incredibly boring position and, as much as that is the safest play, I don't think it's paying off. In a game such as this, success like we have achieved is as punishing as being occupied in the long-term.

Either way, you're going to suffer the attrition of people getting bored and moving on.

I don't want to do anything drastic and, in fact, might not do anything different from what we have been doing at all. I don't think invading a country for the sake of 'war = fun' is a good strategy. War can be fun, but it has to be the right war.

I want to take some risks and I want to put us in the position where we can find ourselves fighting that 'right' kind of war. It might not even be possible to get us even very close, in one term, but I want to shift things around and I want to get into a place where things can be interesting again.

That's not the safest play and, not gonna lie, it might mean 6 months down the line we end up being wiped. That is certainly not the idea, but those are the risks when you try to move mountains in the shifting sands of geopolitics.

I would like to reiterate, I am not talking about taking risks for the sake of taking risks. I am talking about taking the kind of risks it takes to put us in a more interesting position than we're currently in. However, as it stands, we're in a safe position and I think it's killing us.

So, lets get to something much more boring and, ironically, the thing everyone has been waiting for; my staff.

VP: Kemal
CoS: Cromstar
SecState: Senryaku
-Deputy: WookieJack
SecDef/NSC Chair: Yui
-Deputy: Oaks1241
SecMedia: ResouIa
SecTech: Middletopia
SecCA: TomCauchon
Sec of Greeling Affairs: as George sTrolls
Master of the Shekles and Chief Jew: Rah Rah Rasputin
Kuudere-type Maho Shoujo: rainy sunday

I picked this staff, not because I believed it would deliver me party nominations or votes; it might in some ways but, if that were what I really wanted to do, I think I could have made better picks.

No, I picked this team because it's a team of diverse opinions and people who are competent in their positions. If I win, this is going to be a hard month and I need all hands on deck and I want a team that doesn't need training wheels, but one that will bonk heads with each other until the best ideas fall out.

If it takes me picking a team I don't believe is as strong to win, I'd rather lose.

Sorry I didn't include a lot of pictures and fancy page breaks but that's all a lot of bullshit I don't care about. So... not really sorry, to be honest. :3
