[Artela] Out of CTRL

Day 1,697, 09:56 Published in USA United Kingdom by Artela

A short summary of what appears to have happened recently with alliances

Four countries; eUSA, eBrazil, eSpain and ePoland decided to put differences aside and see if they could form a new alliance with a strong core without the distractions of the Balkans.

The two biggest alliances decided to stir brown lumpy stuff, and have tantrums, and pout, and browbeat, and generally have a huge hissy fit as they realized this would mean that their biggest military support on both sides would be walking away from their self-involved continuous drain in the Balkans.

When this led to the dissolving of the new CTRL alliance before it finished getting off the ground, I don’t think this was the response they were expecting though...

AMERICA. Now we are free to choose the friends we want for ourselves, not because it is “expected”. Now we are free to stand by the allies that have truly stood by us and discard those who would manipulate us. Now we are free to make our own destiny again!

All the best

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