[AMP] end of the race and its ok

Day 2,063, 10:35 Published in USA USA by Jack Mensley

Today, in the end of the AMP PP elections, I write here as the loosing candidate, not angered nor disappointed.
I came into the race as AMP PP knowing full well that my time would be consumed for most of the month and that I would have possibly more work than I could chew, but I was prepared to take it.

However I realized that it would take a lot of my time and summer. Something only a few people wish to surrender. However I'm glad to say that I still retain that free time today in the wake of this new PP term upcoming.
I won't be PP, but it doesn't mean I'll try to help like I have for many months.

As the elections, many people complain over the results at the end, that shouldn't matter cause every candidate complains too much at the end.

This election is different. Unlike the past elections with these polls where as FA vs GSP or those before it, I say this:

Either or not it was fair or clean is debatable, but I hold true to my morals and acknowledge that Israel wins and that is that.

Regardless of being PP or not, I serve this party a whole lot, every month for the past few months I've served in each cabinet and served the party some how and only because I give a fuck ton of fucks for this party, so much so that even as HRT I read every PDB and almost every forum post.

So I care less if I'm PP or not, so long as this party is set on the right path.
If it's not fixed, I may return next month if I have the time.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm not current PP and I have the weekend to enjoy not worrying about PP matters or anything else. 😉


signing out