[ALB-MoFa] Info About Root , Mpp with Croatia and Realtions with SPOLAND

Day 2,454, 05:52 Published in Albania Mexico by TroyannForc

Pershendetje miq, motra e vellezer eShqiptar!

Ky eshte artikulli i pare per kete muaj nga Ministrija e Jashtme.
Per 30 ditet ne vazhdim une do te jem Mofa i Shqiperise.
Kravenn dhe Endritt Zekka do me ndihmojn ne kete detyre.


Ditet e fundit , ish cp i yne Endritt Zekka realizoi nje referendum rreth aleances Root.

Cfar eshte “Root”?

Root esht aleance Pro Sirius e krijuar me 23 Korrik dhe ka ne perberjen e saj keto shtete:
Lituania, Estonia, Bosnja, Slovakia, Kore-ne e jugut dhe Zvicren .
Pak kohe pas formimit te kesaj aleance u bashkua edhe Gjeorgjija.
Root eshte nje aleance e pavarur nga Sirius por kane lidhje shume te forta ndermjet tyre per kete arsye keto aleanca bashkepunojne shume me njera tjetren.
Rreth Referendumit: Rezultati ishte mjaft i qarte.82.7% e qytetareve deshironin qe Shqiperia te behej pjese e Root dhe 17.3% ishin kunder.
Rezultatet mun ti shihni ketu.

Menjehere pas Referendumit, Mr Wonka (Sekretar i Përgjithshem i Root) dergoi nje Ftes per tu bashkuar me kete aleance.
Ndryshe nga parashikimet propozimi qe kerkonte 66% per tu pranuar u refuzua nga kongresi. (Rezultati i votimit ishte: 11pro - 10kunder)
Pavaresisht se rezultati i referendumit ishte mjaft i lart ne favor te bashkimit me kete aleance (82,7% PO) ai ligj nuk arriti te merrte nje shumice te cilesuar ne Kongres (52.3% PO). Ne ditet ne vijim, do te kerkojme nga kongresi se per c’fare arsyesh ky ligj nuk mori shumice te cilesuar.

Si do qe te jete ne gjithmone do jemi kundershtar me Asteria pavaresisht nese jemi ne Root apo diku tjeter.

Nje synim tjeter i Ministrise se Puneve te Jashtme eshte forcimi dhe krijimi i lidhje te forta me shtetet ne fokus te kesaj do kem bllokun “Spoland” (Poloni - Spanje)

Keto dy vende jane aleate te forte edhe shume te vjeter me njeri tjetrin. Ata kane qene bashke ne : EDEN, ONE, TWO dhe tani ne Sirius. Prandaj edhe jane quajtur Spoland. Polonia eshte nje nga vendet me te forta ne mbare boten e re dhe diplomacia e tyre eshte mjaft zhvilluar. Ata gezojne respekt te madh ne kete komunitet per shkak edhe te ndihmes qe i ofrojne aleateve te tyre kur ndodhen ne pozita te veshtira. Per kete arsye ne konsiderojme qe ndertimi i nje marrdhenie te forte diplomatike me ta do ishte mjaft e favorshme per te dyja palet.
Gjithashtu ne jemi te gatshem te ndihmojme cdo shtet anti Asteria

Pjesa e fundit , duke pare qe MPP Kroacine ka skaduar dhe disa incidenteve te koheve te fundit dua te them disa gjera per ta.

Mos u shqetesoni, jemi duke punuar per rinovimin e saj. Te gjithe e dijme se Kroacia eshte nje nga aleatet tane me te rendesishem. Prej shume kohesh ne ndihmojme njeri tjetrin kundra armiqve tane. Per shkak te ndryshimeve te qeverive dhe puneve qe duhen bere me pare kjo MPP eshte vonuar. Kjo ceshtje do zgjidhet ne ditet ne vijim.

Me Respekt,
MoFA i Muajit Gusht


Hello dear Albanians,

Welcome to the first update of the month in foreign affairs,
For the next 30 days, I will be your MoFA Kravenn and Endritt Zekka will help me on my job.


During the last week, our former CP Endritt Zekka launched a referendum about joining Root.

Root is a pro Sirius alliance created on July 23rd and composed by the following countries : Lithuania, Estonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovakia, South Korea and Switzerland.
Shortly after the alliance was formed : Georgia was invited to join them.

Root isn’t a sub Sirius alliance and is independent but they share strong links with them. Which means Sirius countries are keeping an eye on Root ones in case of an attack against them

About the referendum : result was quite clear. 82.7% of citizens were in favor to join the alliance when 17.3% were opposed. You can see all details HERE :

Shortly after, Mr Wonka (Secretary General of Root) sent a proposal to our congress about officially joining the alliance. Unlike what it was predicted : the proposal was rejected 11-10.
Despite the fact there was more YES votes than NO ones : it was a real surprise to see that result and we are thinking that to be accepted, it could require a super majority (66% of YES) like Natural enemy and Impeachment laws.

There was also a real difference between what population voted (82,7% of YES) and Congress (52.3% of YES). On the following days, we will ask to congress what are their reasons about the current result. It won’t be something to blame them but a feedback to understand what happened.

In any case, our position on the new world won’t change and we remain totally anti asteria.

Another goal for eAlbania during the next 30 days is to build a better relation with several countries : we are mainly thinking to Poland and Spain.

These 2 countries are sharing a long and strong relation. They were together in Eden, ONE, TWO and now in Sirius. They are often called Spoland. We have a real interest to build a better and stronger relations with them. Poland is one of the strongest countries over the new world and their diplomacy is often on the top. They are well respected and often ready to help their allies when they need some help. We clearly consider to build a stronger relation with them as a win-win deal.
We don’t forget other anti asteria countries and we are open to talk with all of them 🙂

Probably the last part of this article, you could probably saw that we lost our MPP with our big brother : Croatia.

Don’t be afraid, we know it and we are currently working to sign a new one. You all know that Croatia is one of our closest friends and they are near from our heart. Since a long time, they worked hard to help us against our opponents.
What currently happens is only due to recent changes from elections : both countries having new governments and it could take some time to sign a new MPP. We are sure that we will solve together that issue on the following days.
