#87 Order 66

Day 1,487, 10:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gambit8

Hello there, I felt like an article is needed because a lot is cracking off and I just wanted to put my opinion across, not that it means much, but whatever.

First off I’d like to point out that Iran, UK and Slovenia have no officially joined ONE, that’s a key point in this article really.

In the Middle East, Macedonia have their capital due to their home regions being cleared by Greece, so Macedonia decided to give themselves a few resources, Grain, Oil, Saltpeter and kinda stole Aluminium from Iran. But Iran weren’t to niffed about that. They then got a few more resources from Cyprus and Egypt too, which to be honest, fair play to them.

Now Iran own pretty much the Northern half of Saudi Arabia and I think people forget in this game that if you take over a region, it belongs to the conquering country, so Northern Borders and Eastern Province at the time were Iran’s so if one wants a resource that comes from that region (Turkey) you can’t expect Iran to give it up, you should treat their conquered regions as one of their home regions as it belongs to Iran.
Now Turkey and Macedonia did something a little cheeky in my opinion and decided to RW the Iran controlled regions in Saudi Arabia and fought with Saudi Arabia, so in effect, indirectly righting against Iran. Turkey were saying that it unfair that Iran have multiple aluminium and oil regions, which is a valid argument until you look at the map. It is not possible for Iran to have an aluminium resource as well as Turkey having one and a oil region as one county’s regions would not have to connect to their capital, furthermore, Macedonia’s Fish, fruit and cattle resources would also have no connection to their capital.

Now you can’t go around demanding things like that, especially when you already own Israel. I’m not saying Turkey were wrong....well....okay, I am. What they did was rather sly and selfish. Although it is not all down to Turkey, I think ONE have been a little off the ball recently as each country is too busy being overly selfish rather than helping ONE as a whole. You get out what you put in, and if you’re not putting anything into the alliance anymore, then it’s just going to collapse.
Now, the reason why Turkey can’t go around demanding things is because it’s a very trying time for ONE at the moment as they are getting pretty much beaten by EDEN and Terra on most fronts. They're too many countries in that area and so you have to compromise, make temporary sacrifices to make the ride smoother.

ONE getting ripped apart from the inside remind me of this. The Emperor is Serbia, probably.

So how do you survive Order 66? Well, you could try being civil to each other within the alliance, that is usually a good start. We’ve seen over the recent months that MOFA’s report to the Serbian president instead of their own. So perhaps ONE could start a different approach and treat each other as equals for once, but of course, founding members still get that extra vote of course, but generally you could have a little more communication between each other. Another thing would be to post articles a little more, it’s always good to stay in touch with the public, especially during a time which is difficult both internally and externally.

- Treat each other with respect
- communicate
- moar articles

Not too hard, EDEN seem to be able to communicate and co-ordinate their attacks easy enough.

For a few months I’ve sort of been wary of Serbia, especially with their complete change of attitude towards Turkey with the whole Kosovo situation, something that shouldn’t have annoyed a grown man, perhaps a 6 year old boy may have been annoyed and thrown a tantrum, but a mature adult would not have.
It got me thinking that perhaps trusting Serbia isn’t an amazing thing to do. Now, Serbia are great allies, brilliant allies, but that sort of behaviour doesn’t really reflect well on the alliance and current allies might begin to be a little wary and wonder how loyal Serbia really is, because they turned on Turkey within seconds.

So over the months there have been backstabbings and childish squabbles and has made me doubt that we’re on the right side, and that perhaps EDEN is the way to go. We left Terra for reasons we have stated over and over again, but other countries keep trolling us saying that we left for our own gain...well..uhh, yeah of course.
A good president makes decisions for the good of the country, and so we left Terra. We left Terra peacefully and wanted to continue relations with such countries as USA and Brazil, and actually continued to fight for them, but they soon turned on us due to us not being Terra. Backstabbing allies in this way is now called ‘Pulling a Serbia’. So USA and Brazil pulled a Serbia and warred with us through their MPP with Ireland.

We were being a little pushed over in Terra so we decided to leave. ONE seems to be the same although we have yet to experience it personally but they seem to be a little unpredictable and quite harsh. Generally very nationalist and vile people that appear in the media for Serbia, and although many Serbs are very nice people, I’m going to have to say that based on the stuff some of them come out with I have to say we’re fighting on the wrong side.

So that leaves EDEN.
But they’re the wrong choice also, they have troll articles every day, they are blatantly trying to be annoying and use terrible troll comedy that does too much damage for the good comedy is meant to do. What is the point in offending someone for a few people to have a little smirk to themselves? Real comedy is when you’re pretty much on the floor laughing with tears streaming from the eyes. Not a little smirk that says ‘I see what you did there....’. Just no.

So who do we fight for? Unfortunately all the alliances are run by countries that need to take a damn good look in the mirror.

So to sum up, this game should just roll over and die.

Thanks for reading guys, I have no idea when the next article will be, but perhaps everyone can take a little something from this article and just...grow up really, turn your frown upside-down and be nice to people, it’s great, you’d like it.