Napoleon is Fickle and Caesar is a Thief: Maximizing Training Schemes

Day 1,118, 14:01 Published in Canada Canada by Lavis Knight

Hello Everyone,

In this article i would simply like to present you with updated training information. When training i would advocate a few rules:

1. When training with Napoleon make sure you can either: a. Train with him every day or b. Have the funds to train with Boot Camp on any days you cannot afford Napoleon.

If you cannot meet one of these conditions you will be wasting gold in the long run. Remember any training regimen will find its strength based in consistency.

2. Caesar is always a waste of gold

To Emphasize these rules i would like to present a comparison between Napoleon based training schemes and other schemes that weave in Boot Camp. (Keep in mind the gold costs are averages based on the amount of times trained.)

1. Napoleon Base😛

Large version here

2. Napoleon while weaving Boot Camp:

Large version here

In terms of strength gain nothing will beat Napoleon every day; however, pouring all Gold in Napoleon will net inneficiencies if it means having to use Army boots on off days. (As you can see in the above examples.) Most important of all plan out your training to be most effective -> it needs to be consistent AND sustainable.

Best of Luck in Future Battles
