[民報] 中印互不侵犯條約(外交部原文之翻譯)

Day 1,807, 23:06 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Donki Lu

原文:{Official eROC MoFA News Update Vol. 7} Announcement of NAP with eIndonesia

Covenant of NAP between eRepublic of China & eIndonesia

本條約乃基於兩國利益,雙方將來之友誼而提出。兩國政府在經過會談與審慎考量後,決定簽署短期(limited time)互不侵犯條約。以下所列數條為條約全部內容,務求兩國共同遵守:

1. 中華民國將不介入民答那峨(Mindanao),維薩亞斯(Visayas)兩地事務,一切該地區之事務由印尼與菲律賓政府共同處理。

eROC are not going to involve into matters of the following two regions: Mindanao and Visayas. The regional affairs will be handled by eIndonesia government and ePH officials.

2. 兩國在條約有效期內,均不得對另一方提出天敵案

eROC and eIndonesia are not going to create any NE proposal towardsto each other within the agreed period of NAP.

3. 如有任何一方違反本條約,本約立即失效,任何軍事行動將不受條約拘束

If there's any violations occurring to this NAP pact from either side of the parties, this agreement is voided and possible military actions would not be prevented.

4. 本條約將由雙方總統簽署同意後,在遊戲報紙中以中英雙語同時發布。兩國均有告知其盟國之義務,以防止第三方採取行動破壞條約

This NAP is going to e published in both English and Chinese Mandarin via in-game media (News Article) for referencem and will be made offical by the signatures of CPs of both mations. Both nations are obligated to inform their allies the full detail of this NAP in order to prevent any action caused by the third party to damage the agreement.

5. 本約在簽署後即刻生效。

This Agreement is going to effect from the date of signing.

6. 本約之有效期為Day 1806至1843;然而菲律賓政府提出緊急/特別提案時應得以中止。

Agreed NAP period is from Day 1806 to 1843, or until ePH goverment officials give any urgent, or special proposal.




Admiral Proudmoore
