Mom, lend me your black AMEX, I need donations

Day 3, 00:00 Published in Sweden France by Cicero

XXXX me, we're famous.|||Dear Readers,

It is almost 3AM in my hotel suite, i have a black Armani suit and my John Lobb in crocs, ready to take over the world. Mandy, Sandy and Candy are waiting in the limo downstairs drinking Crystal and eating strawberries so I must hurry: the night is young and your servant is on fire.

So you will tell me: what the XXXX are you doing upstairs writing pathetic emails? Well, i kind of take my retirement seriously and I intend, and so must you, to take it early. The Banyan Tree in Maldives is waiting for us.

So here we are - Tonight was an epic night, i don't even know where to start since so much has happene😛 from a public humiliation earlier in the evening (the villain got removed from the site) to my demotion through my social points. But so be it - Life is life and the champagne will not be delivered by itself, we still have to buy it.

So read carefully the following, we desperately need to make a move ASAP.

1) Le PARISIUS consortium is doing more than well. We have many employees, a thorough cash flow and cannot produce fast enough for the demand. CARREFOUR is insanely successful in France and UK and THALES should be ready to sell the first AK47 and UZI tomorrow morning, providing everybody manage to come to work despite their hangover. We still need more hands, so if you know of anyone willing to work, please recommend to your servant and i will hire ASAP. We pay over the market prices (our people need serious cash for their vices).

2) I am talking closely to TyRell in Germany, the most powerful merchant overseas and we are starting to discuss strategies and alliance to be able to enjoy economies of scale (more skilled workers in specific markets to beat up the competition). As you know, since this is the cornerstone of our consortium, strength is power and we need strong and powerful friends to move forward with our plan - Economically but politically as well. - If you are French, please join Le Rassemblement pour le Developpement Durable - it is the party we will support. Alexis Bonte, the president, is definitely reliable and seems to have a clear vision of the path to follow. Strategy is of essence in our vision of the market.

3) On another note - The PARISIUS consortium has taken offshore shares in the SALUD SOCIAL clinic in SPAIN. The GM and myself plan to adopt the same strategy as in France with providing cheap medical services for all at a discounted price. If you are Spanish and cannot work in France, please apply to SALUD SOCIAL, you will be well treated. Again - in order to provide the best medical service at the cheapest price, we need volume - I know it is a whore strategy but any economist would agree that it is the right direction to take.

4) Finally, obviously, and hence the title of the article - We need cash to expand. Time is clearly a factor here and not only because Sandy, Mandy and Candy are waiting downstairs - We need to expand ASAP into neighboring countries through CARREFOUR - Please donate what you can donate and you will get shares for your hard earned gold. The fee is the same - 10 gold will give you 15% of the company (of the next country). It is easy to donate, even though you might encounter difficulties tonight since brainless morons decided to wire themselves 250 Gold from GANA hoping not to be caught like Mobutu. Too bad, they were - But as soon as donations are back, DONATE, join the CONSORTIUM and enjoy your bellinis by the pool while little people will be working to get you dividends.

Donate now, i am thirsty. Shoot me a line through PM to let me know of your transfer to let me include you in the shareholder spreadsheet.

I just had 123 missed calls on my Virtu phone from downstairs, it seems like Sandy, Mandy and Candy are bored and when they are, they usually get naked. As much as i love Erepublik, there is no way i am going to miss that.



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NB: Don't count on me too early tomorrow morning, I shall be hangover and enjoying le repos du guerrier.