[Closed][國防部公告] Day1,397 eROC國家軍令 - 對菲律賓最後的NE戰場已開啟,結束這場戰役吧!

Day 1,397, 01:18 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by EROC MOD
國防部公告 // Ministry of Defense Announcement

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Please Vote and Shout out this article and Subscribe this newspaper to get current information from eROC MoD.



國防部平民暨小隊軍令 // Ministry of Defense Civilian & ROCNT Orders
國防部軍令等級劃分(Day 1,218 更新)

This Order suit to all citizens of eROC, and eROC National Troops.

本國戰役 eROC Battles:

中華民國(臺灣) vs. 菲律賓: 民答那峨島
eRepublic of China(Taiwan) vs. ePhilippines : Mindanao

NE war, fight for eROC, keep influence 52%, need to win!


中華民國(臺灣) vs. 菲律賓: 巴拉望島
eRepublic of China(Taiwan) vs. ePhilippines : Palawan

起義戰,保住資源地,加入eROC鎮壓方,保持影響力52%,領先超過3局hold fire!
Resistance war, fight for resources, join eROC, keep influence 52%, hold fire if lead more than 3 rounds!


中華民國(臺灣) vs. 韓國:全羅北道
eRepublic of China(Taiwan) vs. eSouth Korea : Jeollabuk-do

起義戰,保住資源地,加入eROC鎮壓方,保持影響力52%,領先超過3局hold fire!
Resistance war, fight for resources, join eROC, keep influence 52%, hold fire if lead more than 3 rounds!


友邦戰役 eROC Allies' Battles:


Vice-Minster of eROC(Taiwan)-MoD 中華民國國防部副部長 bladephy
eRepublik Time 01:15 September 17 Day 1,397(publish)
Vice-Minster of eROC(Taiwan)-MoD 中華民國國防部副部長 bladephy
eRepublik Time 09:42 September 17 Day 1,397(1st update)
Vice-Minster of eROC(Taiwan)-MoD 中華民國國防部部長 PatheticTrample
eRepublik Time 18:22 September 17 Day 1,397(2nd update)
Vice-Minster of eROC(Taiwan)-MoD 中華民國國防部副部長 bladephy
eRepublik Time 22:59 September 17 Day 1,397(3rd update)




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